Elena woke up the next morning to Alina crying. She grabbed her going to change her and headed into the living room where Davina was sitting on her laptop.   "Morning."

"Morning," Elena said going to sit down next to her holding Alina to her chest and feeding her. 

"Can i ask you question?" Davina asked. She didn't want to cross any boundaries but she was curious to what that was about.

"Yeah, sure." Elena didn't mind whatever she needed to ask she could.

"I swear i mean no harm by this" Davina swore but she was curious she didn't know really any history between the two of them. And something she had said yesterday had caught her off guard.

"Ask." Elena insisted she was sure that whatever it was it would be ok.

"You said that you changed everything."

"I did." Elena nodded she had pretty much given up everything to be with him and what he had done was the biggest betrayal to her. "He found me almost eight years ago. I wanted children he had a way to make it happen. I left my friend's exes my entire life. No one liked no one trusted him."

"But you loved him."Davina knew the answer she had loved him which was why she had came to New Orleans.

"I still do but i can't be hurt again. I can't be lied to again." She couldn't be with him like that again or probably ever it wasn't fair.

"I do too and i don't think I'll stop."

"I uprooted everything to be a family. And he lied."


"What did you guys do?" Kol asked looking between his family. 

"We tried to keep them on track." Klaus said. He had tried to make sure that they didn't do anything stupid. 

"I made sure that they didn't leave." Freya said. She knew if she hadn't both would have probably would have been gone.

Hope crossed her arms over her chest glaring at her uncle. She didn't want to be blamed for this when it was mainly his fault. "If you want to be mad at someone try looking in a mirror or taking it out on Elijah."

"Why are we putting it all on Elijah?" Rebekah asked. She knew her niece had a point but it still didn't seem fair.

"Because it's his fault to say the least." Hayley knew that was true the way that he treated the two of them wasn't helpful for them either. 

"And why are they blaming you, Elijah?" Kol asked. He knew if Hayley and Hope were saying something then he had did something. 

"They are just placing blame?" Elijah said, he didn't think that he had done anything wrong. 

Hope shot him a glare she did not want to hear that lie. She knew that he was always disrespectful to her. "We can talk about the fact that you called Elena a gold-digging whore at the funeral while she was pregnant. Or the fact that i heard she called you and you straight told her you did not to deal with her so where's the lie."

"You what?" Kol shouted. He couldn't believe that his own brother would do something like that.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Hayley knew he was angry so it didn't go well.

"I got 48 hours 12 hours ago to figure this out."


"I don't know." Kol wasn't sure what he was about to do he just knew that he had to figure it out quickly.

Hope was sure that she had the perfect idea he sut do what he had already been doing it."I say that you just date them both you already technically were and you were doing it well just make it official."

"Are you crazy?"


"How about we talk to them?" Hayley was sure that they just might be able to get through to them better than he was.

"Because? You think that'll work." Kol wasn't sure what would work so if they wanted to give this a try.

"It's the best chance we got otherwise you lose both of them."

"Then let's give it a shot."

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