Klaus Hope and Hayley arrived at Davina's house. Hope went and knocked on the door and Davina came and opened it. Surprised to see that it was there of them here. "What do you three want?"

"To talk to both of you." Hayley was sure that they would be able to convince the two that they could stay here. 

"And why would we want that," Davina asked. She didn't see any reason they needed to stay. 

"Because we have something that will interest the two of you." Klaus was sure it would change things for them.

Davina sighed she didn't get why this was so important to them. "Fine but then you three have to go we are a little buys trying to get our own lives together." She let them in closing the door and locking it behind them. 

"What about Hawaii beach hot far away from here." Elena suggested she didn't care where they went she just wanted away from New Orleans.

"Are you two seriously considering moving?" Hope asked. She had thought it was simply something they were saying.

"He has 48 hours and then we're going," Davina said. She knew that they needed to have this figured out because if he didn't figure it out they were both gone.

"Well less now so were simply going through our options." And they wanted it done so they could go they were tired of it all. 

Hayley went in sat on the stool next to Elena looking between the two. "Well what if we had a way that would make all of you happy and that would guarantee that you two got to stay in the others life. And stay in New Orleans where he was."

"And why would we do that when we are contemplating sending him back to his death." Elena asked. She was sure him going right back to hell was exactly what he needed. 

"Before the two of you decide to kill him again may i suggest that you both are with him."  Klaus knew that it wasn't the best plan but it wasn't something they hadn't already been through. 

They both looked at each other confused. Needing him to repeat it. "What?"

"He was already with the both of you anyways without you two knowing and neither of you suspected anything." Klaus reminded he knew because of it they would definitely been able to do it again. 

"Because he was a good liar." Elena scoffed she didn't want to hear anything about it he had lied about everything.

"Because you guys were helping him to cover it." Davina scolded she knew they were a big part of why the two of them were so angry.

"Exactly." Hope said. But this way they wouldn't have to be no more lies or cover up they'd get honesty.

"But this time there would be no lies you both would be with him you would be one family. You never wanted to be a wife and you never wanted to have children."

"But you are both already integrating into each other's life." Hayley added and she knew that it was going good Davina already treated the kids like they were her own. It would work for them. "She loves the kids."

"It wouldn't be that difficult." Hope smiled she knew that it would work for all of the,

"Can we think about it?" Davina asked she knew that was not something easy for them to figure it out.

"Figure it out with the rest of the timer that you gave my brother." Klaus suggested.


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