chapter 5- Be my girl

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I just slept with Vi last night. I started to freak out but then I stayed calm. Because, this wasn't plan but... I got to spent the time with her. How beautiful and smart she was last night. She's my girl now.

I was ready to sneak out the bed but then I hear an little cute goan noise. So I turned around with an smile and wrap my arms from her back and lay on her.

"Hello Jking" She smiles
At first I didn't respond but then realized.
"Oh.. Oh yeah, hey Vi" I answered
She chuckles
"It's alright probably still lit from last night I believe?"
"Yeah, last night was great and everything"
Then her phone rings and grabs it and looks at me.
"I have to go, it's my employees" says serious
"Oh ok"

She gets up and puts her clothes back on and I got up to walk her to the door. She turns and says bye and kiss me again and watch her walking to her car and drives off.

Texting my bros

Baby mochi: WHAT!

Money gucci: I mean you are Jungking!😫

Sunshine🌞: Even I am jealous!

Swagger: 👍

Thank yoongi I guess😒
But I know, I am Jungking. But everything was perfect to me!💜

Baby mochi: I bet that too!😏

Sunshine🌞: Plz not in the chat!

Swagger: I work at an pizza place

Oh want us to come over there?

Swagger: definitely not

Money gucci: Were coming!😁

I walked out the mansion and walked to where yoons is working at and wanted to surprise him. But then an girl came up to me.

"Can I have your autograph?" She asked
Then another girl
"Can we have an selfie?"
"Oh ok"
Then all the girls came behind me and we took two selfies
"May I have an pic too?"
"Whoa ok"
Then all the girls from the far started screaming at me.
"Whoa what's happening?" I asked myself

I look up and my friends are getting worried about me. But they really can't do anything but then my guards came to stop the girl from getting close to me and I walked inside the pizza place and went to the cashier were yoongi is.

"You ok?" He asked
"No" I started to get scared
"That's what happens when your famous JK"
"I didn't know it was that bad"
"I am sorry what your going through"
I started to breathe in and out
"Let me make you something. Its on me ok?"
I nod and waited for him to get something and I hear all the girls coming inside this pizza place and I turned around and all the girls trying to grab me. As more guards comes in and push them softly out the way. I started to actually have anxiety over this tight spaces, but didn't wanna show it. So I told the guards I wanna go home like right now. So they sent me home.

5:30 p.m. at home
I hear my door bell, so I got up and look who it is and it's my bros.
I open the door.

"Come inside" I said
They rushed and I closed the door and locked it.
"Jungkook are you alright?" Tae asked and hugs me
"Im ok" I hug back. Then Jimin hugs me.
"You was scared?" Jimin asked
"I forgot blue ocean had to go through this"
Hobi hugs me from the side
"I am sorry Jungkook. Lets sit down"
We all sat down and yoons gave me my food first.
"Thank you yoons"
"Whatever just eat" He said

So we did talk and watch couple of movies until they all fell asleep. So I went upstairs to my bedroom grabbing Jungking's phone and see there's any messages. I see the team is texting at night again.

8:05 p.m. texting

Jam: He's ok?

Ben: he will be ok😔

D.M.: But it's not our first time these things happens to us😔

Ben: We gotta get up in the morning. Next month is Jungking's birthday

Jam: Can't wait

D.M.: Me too!

Shit are you kidding me? Next month is his birthday. I really wonder what they planning on doing. But I am still shaking after what happened. I went back downstairs and see them still sleeping on the couch and I lay my head on Jimin's chest and sleep.

2 weeks later-

"Happy birthday baby" Said Vi
Me and Vi are in the park walking and celebrating for Jungking's birthday. She hands me an present and I smiled.

"Wow" I said excited
"Open it" she said
I open the present and it was an broken type of heart necklace.
"Oh wow Vi"
"See this is the necklace you wanted that means put the pieces back together. When you wrote the song about me" said Vi
I looked at her.
"Thank you bab-baby. Um I don't know what to really say at this point" I chuckled
"You don't have to say anything"

I grab her waist and started kissing her roughly and steady. She kisses me back, touch my chest and we just couldn't stop.
"I want you to know" I said while kissing so we stopped. "You will always be my girl"
"I love you Jungking. I am just happy your like this. Your different, better than your old self" She smiles
We kissed again and again. We couldn't stop.

At the mansion-
"WHOA!" Ben yells
"Oh my god Ben!" I chuckled
"We should have an party just us" Said D.M.
"Should we do live?" Jam asked
"I don't think so jam" Ben answered with an mad face
"Hey let's not do this, bad enough taegie is gone" I said
"That's was an good thing Jungking"
"Come one not on my birthday" I said
"Let him breathe Ben! He been having an rough day when all those fans trying to grab him and touch him!" D.M. yells
"You should be mad at Jungking. For all these years of being rude and posting shitty things about us online!" Said jam
"That was an long long time ago!" Said Ben "I mean fuck Jungking was all evil but not no more!"
"Jungking wants to be famous and have everything for himself!" Said jam
"How you know?!" Ben asked
"I read his stupid diary!" Jam answers

"I have an diary?" I asked low
"You wanted everything to yourself you never cared about us!" Jam yells
"Jungking is that true?" Ben asked
I didn't know what the fuck to really say so I panic.
"I was probably emotional" I said
"You know you can tell me anything. Were best friends JK" Said Ben
"I-I do just wasn't the right time" I was still panicking
"What can we do to make this work Jungking?" D.M. asked "cause if we did something wrong why not say right?"
"Right" I nod biting my lips
"Im out" said jam

He turns around and I actually ran towards him.
"Hey jam. Let's talk" I said
"Talk about what Jungking huh? How you ruined my life?" He asked
"I never wanna to do that. I-I changed"
"You sure did"
"It's true jams. You have to put trust onto the table again. Plz?" I begged "jam"

Jam shakes his head
"There is something weird with you" Said jam
"Why?" I asked
"You never beg in your life"

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