bonus chapter

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I am at home looking at my songs I just wrote. We still have jungking's mansion so now I own the mansion. Less stressful work now, but also worth. I redecorate it, and may have add things I always wanted in my house. So that's what I did. 4:40 in the afternoon on Monday march 5th. My wife came inside my office, I looked up with an smile.

"Hey you"
"H-hey" Said Vi like she's in pain
"You ok?" I asked
"Idk I feel so weird right now" she said "I feel ill baby"
"Ok ok, i will take you to the hospital"

Soon enough some water spilled on the floor where my feet was I look down.
"Your water-"

I picked her up and run towards my phone and grabbed and then just run outside my house. And into the car I put her in the passenger seat and I run to the drivers seat about to open the door. But someone drives so fast behind me. And I turned around about to scream until an man came out the car and looked at me.

"Your coming with us sir" he said
"No that's my husband Niko" said Vi getting out the car and they carried her to their fastest car
"Come on sir" said Niko
I sighed and walked inside the car. What just happened?

"Hope you didn't mind. I called my team to get us there faster" said Vi
"Oh no it's ok" I smiled

She going to call them instead of me?
I was a little jealous. Maybe a lot jealous.

Moments later
We did get there faster. And quicker and the doctors already came out and puts Vi on the wheel chair and takes her inside the hospital, to an room. I followed them and went inside the room and the doctors helped her get in the bed. I walk to vivi and hold her hands.

"Everything is going to be ok" I smiled
"Thanks baby" She smiled

I sit down waiting for an hour until Vi felt pain it was time to deliver the baby.

10:34 p.m. the baby was delivered.
The baby started crying and Vi holds the baby and I went to her side and looked at the baby. Then I ran out the door and my squad did come even my brother.

"IS IT AN BOY!?" Tae asked
"Maybe an girl" Jimin asked
"Gotta be an boy" Said my brother
"Well... It's an..."
"Bro spill it!" Said hope
"Come on!" Said Ben happily
"Maybe an boy" Said suga
"Maybe" Said D.M.
"It's an boy" I said

The boys as cheered and hugged me tight and I was happy.

Hours later-
"What are we naming him?" I asked
"Mhmm~ how about Jungan?" Said Vi
"Sounds perfect"
All of us looked at the baby and smiles. Now I know what else to write for our next song.

"Just dream" for my baby boy

The end-

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