Jungking, do you know an Jungking? an famous singer who can't really sing? Well jungkook can, but supposed to hang out with Hes friends at the concert to see the group Jungking is in. until jungking decided to switch places with jungkook. Jungkook c...
"I never beg, you said?" I asked "Yes you never beg" Sais jam "No, I do just beg to Vi when I wanna sleep with her, and do things. Just never to... You guys"
I am so nervous about everything. I just wanna know what Jungking does and do. "Whatever goodnight Jungking" jam walks away and never turned around and I went back to the mansion and seeing Ben and D.M. leaving as well. "Tomorrow just you and me" Said ben hugging me tight "Sure" I agreed and I watch them drive away and I walked inside mansion and thinking about Jungking's diary. Looking around in his bedroom. Looking around the bathroom. Looking around the kitchen. "Don't tell him he took he's own book" I said to myself I sit down on the couch thinking there's probably nothing else I can do to find it now.
But then I looked at the table and looked inside. And take out the other books and found his book said "Notebook".
"Yes, ok calm down" I said I open the first page and didn't find anything I keep looking nothing, nothing. Then I found something?
"Blue ocean and we have been struggling for money and making music. So we all have to do something right? So I made couple of songs and made money little by little. Then I keep pushing them and pushing them. They do what I say, so I am the leader in blue ocean. Now things had been dark for me. Ever since my mother passed, I been losing everything. My looks and my voice and I had gain a little. And all my friends has notices. Mainly Ben been with me for life, I could never trade him in the world. But I was still in the dark. To the point I just wanna be away from the crowd, to clear my head maybe that would help. But I don't know how yet, but thinking about my mother and nobody couldn't help her was wrong and I loved her more then anything. She was my only family I had at the time. Cause my dad was never around. I will clear my head soon, and stop myself treating my group trash. I wanted everything for myself but then I realized. You can't get everything what you want"
I slam the book on the table. And started crying. I feel so bad for Jungking, I took everything for granted. I stole everything from him. I can't tell my friends about this but, im sorry Jungking. Im really sorry.
The next day 5:17 p.m. Me and the group went to the studio and we had some headphones on and started singing an song. "Beautiful, to morning to night" the song I have to write. I never write songs before actually but it's cool tho.
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After recording, me and the group went to our cars, to go home. "Hey JK!" Ben calls me "Hey Ben!" I greed "Did you wanna hang out?" He ask "Oh yes, let go do it now" I said "Alright just go to the bar like we always do" "Sure"
At the bar- "What your thinking about?" Ben asked looking at me "How horrible Jungking is" I said "Your not horrible Jungking. Never was and never will be" Ben pats my back "No I took everything for granted, I was so fuckin greedy" "Maybe, but we still care and love you for you" "You shouldn't even be loving me. Not even Vi, jam already fuckin hates me. And D.M. too who also shouldn't be. . . It's hard being an good role model when I never had one in the first place. And my brother never around and my other friends worried for me. This all gone wrong"
Ben smiles and rubs my back and touches my wrist. And rubs them too. "Your going to be ok" He said "your going to be ok"
The next day- "Were going to start practicing ok?" Said the dance instructor
Then Jam comes inside and puts his bag down and stands next to me. I looked at him for an second, then look away like nothing happened.
"Need to say something to me?" Jam asked "N-no, just sorry about everything" I answer He scoff "You been saying that for years now" "Will I meant it now, you read my whole diary right? The one that said notebooks on it"
He looks at me confused. "No it was just an blue book with nothing on it" he said
I was so confused what the fuck did he read? But I kept looking at him. "Alright everyone look up at me" said the dance instructor I kept my eyes on jam. "Eyes on me!" Ben slaps my back and I looked up and he hurt his own hand. "Sorry" I smiled so awkwardly
It was the next day and me and Vi wanted to hang out so we went to my studio. And I sat her down on the couch and she pulls me down for an kiss.
"Baby?" I called "Mm~" she looks up at me "You think im an bad person? Even the way I been treating you?"
Jungking's diary- "I know I been an horrible boyfriend. Pretending to not even notice Vi and blame everything on her. She just so sweet, gives me kind gifts, I don't fuckin deserve her. And imma keep treating her like crap like i don't need her love. When I really really do. But Vi will always be my forever girl. But imma still run away and let her fall in love with someone else"
Now- "No, I never thought you was an bad person. You just wanted space from me. And I been giving you much time as you want" She smiles "Your so sweet. But when it comes down to an call from work you look so serious" I chuckled "Well you change mood too. One minute your happy and excited and then your in your own little world. That's pretty cute and sexy" "Vi" I chuckled
I her lay down on the couch I was on top this time and I looked at her. "Let's get a little naughty naughty" I said so shyly "Your fuckin adorable. Whatever you want too babe" she looks at me with lust, as I start going down to her bottom and grabbing her thighs. Good thing she doesn't have panties on.
2 hours later- My phone vibrates many times now and I grabbed my phone. And it's Jimin texting.
Baby mochi: HELP ME! Baby mochi: Answer your phone!
8 miss calls
12 miss calls Now 13 miss calls
I called Jimins phone went to voicemail so I freaked out and yelled "JIMIN!"