Chapter 7- Where's Jimin!?

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"Jimin!?" I yelled again
"Baby baby!?" Vi holds my arms and rubs my back "what's going on?"
"Jimin is in trouble!"
"Hes my best friend!"
"Ok calm down, imma go get my team to look for Jimin. Jimin what?"
"What? Oh park, park Jimin"

Vi gets up and puts her clothes back on and runs out the door and Tae answers his phone.
"Tae!?" I yelled
"Hey you called Jimin!?" He yelled
"Hes not answering me!"
"Oh shit! What we do?!"
"I don't know I gotta go to an interview in the next hour tonight! And I am going to be doubled freaked out!"
"I will let you know when I find him, just go do whatever you do and stay calm tonight ok!?"
"Whatever! Find him!"

I hanged up and run out the door going to the vent machine trying to get water. So I beat the machine with my bare hands shaking it and everything. Then I realized what I was doing so, I calmed down and payed to get an bottle of water. I drank it and then looked at the time and I had to get ready for the interview.

10:00 p.m. back stage-
I was so nervous I was worried about Jimin and so I looked at my phone couple of times. And texted tae, he never respond back.

"Hey JK!" Ben pats my shoulders
"Ahh!" I hit his arm
"Damn! Calm down you ok?" He asked
"Yeah, im just you know nervous" I reply
"How? Your never nervous"
"Well I am now, and I got other problems in my head you know?"
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Later I will tell you"

"Plz presenting! Blue ocean!" Said the host
"Give me your phone" the worker took my phone away and I sigh
"I know how that feels"

Ben grabs my hand and we walked on stage and waved at everyone and then sit down on the couch and I looked down feeling so nervous. But I really gotta try not to show cause I am acting like Jungking not myself.

"Hello! Can you guys introduce yourself?" Said the host
"Hi am Jam"
"Hello I am D.M.!"
Everyone just clapping.
"I am Ben!"
"Hi am jungko- king! Jungking" everyone clapping and I chuckled nervous

"Alright I am Jim! Be your host! So mind if I start asking questions?" He asked
"Yeah" we all said, everyone cheer and clapping
"Alright how does it feel being now four people in the group?"
"Um, sad I should say. We was close I guess" I said nervously
"Close but not really?"
"Yes but not really? Said jam
"So were fine now" said Ben
"Alright jungking how does it feel being the handsome man around?" Host ask
Everyone cheered and clap.
"I didn't think I was handsome like that" I answered
"Oh no he's handsome! Sexy!" Ben said so cheerfully
"What skincare you use?" Host asked
"No skincare to be honest" I reply
"Wow, that's amazing!"
Everyone clapped and cheer again.

The host ask some nice questions and we all answered well I guess. And we was done and we went to the back of the stage and got my phone back, I check my screen, had one message from tae.

Money gucci: Jimin is safe, he was hiding in my house the whole time!

I sighed and told him to tell Jimin stop playing like that. And hugged Ben and ben hugged me back.

"What's up?" Ben asked
"I am just happy right now. I need an hug" I reply
"I am here for you"

The next day-
"So Jimin was with your other friend?" Vi asked
"Yeah that's what he said" I said "but I don't know at the same time my stomach hurt. Cause Jimin is the one that freaks out the most about anything and everything"
"So maybe go to there house. And I am coming with you"
"Ok, but shoot, I need to go to dance practice again"
"How you guys doing in dance practice?"
"Well, trying to find my... Diary" I almost forgot what I was about to say.

She gets up from the couch and kiss my lips and hugs me tight and I kiss and hug her tight.

"Call me, and we will see the real deal about your friend. I didn't know you had more friends" Said Vi
"Oh yeah, cause I have my teammates so" scratch my head
"Alright imma go"

She breaks the hug and walk to the door and I sigh and looking around for an blue book I believe.
"What was jams talking about?" I asked myself "where the blue books at?"

"Fuck!" I started to stress cause I feel like I never have time to know what happened to Jimin. Tae and even finding out what jam's talking about. Is Jimin and tae ok? I need to ask jam. But what if he's lying to me. I am like so done playing nice for real, I need to find out what's actually going on! Like now.

At dance practice-
Jam got there early. I walked in kinda mean and harsh and grabbed jam by the shirt and yelled at him.

"Where did my blue book go!? I couldn't find it!" I yelled
"What's your problem!? The book!? What book?!" Jam looking confused
"Blue book of my diary!!!"
"I don't know! And I don't care about your damn book! I don't remember saying blue!"

Ben comes in between and D.M. and push us away.
"What's up with you two?" D.M. asked
"You all should be ashamed!" Said the dance instructor

"Hey JK! Talk to me!" Grabs my shoulders and I push him back
"I am so freaked out about everything JIMIN IS GONE AND TAE I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND JAM IS AN DICK!!!"
"What are you talking about?!"
"Am not Jungking! Im jungkook!"
"I knew it" ben said low and eyes wide open
Then my eyes wide open.
"You knew... What?"

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