chapter 9- Where's Yoons!?

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Jam sits down in a seat and I sat down as well as Vi went to sit down on the couch. I can hear her goan a little bit, but I didn't wanna bother her. So I kept my eyes on jam's.

"Where's Jungking taking them?" I asked, in an serious face
"Taking who?" Jam asked, he turns around seeing yoongi holding an knife
"You gotta be kidding me" Jam shakes his head getting terrified
"You know who! You know EVERYTHING!!!"

I slam my head on the table. Just so mad and pissed at him, my face turning kinda red.

"Alright alright!" Jam sighs "Look I am going to be honest"
"Where waiting" Said D.M. coming to the table
"So, Jungking did wanted to get away. At first I didn't even realize you wasn't Jungking at first. I didn't know he switch places with you. And I was in love with taegie, I did cheated on my girl. But, when he decided to not join blue ocean anymore and quite. I was mad but mad at myself. But when Jungking heard about this, he did wanted to come back. But this was when he told me about the revenge"
"Revenge?" I called out
"Because you didn't give him back his spotlight. Because you was ruining the group. And he was done taking vacation, but you didn't know why. Cause you was-"
"Greedy" I said, and closed my eyes
"Right. So he wanted to take what's yours, since you took his girl and everyone else. I was being used. So I guess there was no accuse for me. Now do I know where he taking them. Somewhere in the shed's house. Far away in Korea, and quiet neighborhood. It has spray paint everywhere you go"

That's when it hit me. I know the place he's talking about. I looked around the table.

"We have to go like now" I stand up and walking in circles, being stressed about everything.

"Dude stop, your making me wanna stress" Said yoons
"Im sorry, what if he hurts them?" I asked
"I will bring my knifes and hurt him back" Yoons put the knifes in his back pocket somewhere.
"Yoongi, I think it's best you stay here" I said
"Why?" He asked
"I don't want you to get hurt. He's dangerous you know!"
"Oh I know! See we wouldn't be in this situation if you would have just listen to me in the first place!" Yoons yells at me
"I said "Sorry" what more do you want me to say!"
"Say no more. Imma find them myself"

I turned around and Yoons was gone, I sat down next too Jam's and Ben ties him up and puts him inside the closet.

Hours later-
"Ben wake up, Wake up Ben" I shake him
"What what? What happened?" He asked
"Yoongi didn't fuckin come back" I started to panic

Ben gets up from the couch and we both walk outside and looked around the side of the house and the other side of the sidewalk and I found knifes on the floor with... Blood stains.

"Why is there blood stains on it?" I freaked out even more
"Could be something else... I don't know we need to go now" Said Ben

He helps me up from the ground while I hold the two knifes in my hand. And walked to the car and ben grabs the keys from the house and we stole Vi car. She didn't look so good, someone needs to watch Jam, so D.M. is going to watch them for me. But, imma tell Jungking i am sorry for everything I have done. To the group, his Girlfriend and even my own friends for this. Im goin to make it right.

Me and Ben has got to the place, I remember what Jam's said. This was the place me and my brother use to hang out at. Before he went to the military.

"Look look!" I yelled and point at my drawing "That is my spray paint art"
"That's cute" Said my brother with an smile
"Hand me the blue one"
"Which blue?"
"The dark blue one and the purple and the red. Imma make an doggie"
"Out of those colors?"
"There my tops of favorite colors"
My brother chuckles and hands me the spray paints and I started painting.

"Yo this is an cute drawing" Said Ben
"That painting is mine" I smiled
"Wow, you do remember this place"
"I do, this is where me and my brother use to hang out. I didn't know spray painting was illegal to do. But, they never cleaned it we never got in trouble"
"It was different by then"
"Yeah I was very young, but let's continue finding my other brother's"
"Of course"

Me and Ben kept walking after looking at my painting. I looked up and down where the hiding place must be.

"Why can I not find it?" I freaked out again
"Maybe it's an place you can't go!" Ben shrugs
"Place you can't go"

Even tho it's night time and I can barely see. I turned around and find an crake on the door. It's an building, you can't go.

"What's inside?" I asked
"That's an place you don't wanna go jungkook. Come on let's go home" Said my brother

I remember seeing this top to bottom seeing this door stand. And I was scared. Ben holds my shoulders and nods at me. And I open the door, and open slowly and I grabbed Bens hand cause it's scary up in there. Dark, quiet.

Moment later we found another door. But it wouldn't open.

"Lock probably" I said
"We need an tool or something" Said Ben
I scoot back and hit something in the back of my head
"What's that?"
"I can't see. If only I got my phone" I said
"Oh yeah, I did bring my phone"

Ben shows the phone and puts the lights up.
"So you had the phone the whole time and didn't use it you smart ass!!!" I yelled
"I wasn't thinking at the time!" Ben yells at me and he open the box. Nothing inside.
"Ok, now im thinking we need something else for this" he said

I took the box off the wall with force and banged it on the door knob and it opened.
"Or maybe we need an very very strong man like you" Ben eyes wide open
"Yeah well, if you have an brother from the military. You'll know" I smiled

I opened the door slowly but walked inside and ben puts his phone away and we looked closer and see them tied up on the pole and tape on there mouths. I ran to them and see them bruised and bleeding from the face and there clothes. Ben takes the tape off of Jimin fast.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Jimin screams
"SHUT UP!" I yelled at him
"Well well. If it ain't Jungkook and Ben" said Jungking coming out from the shadows

Me and Ben stand up and looked at him serious.
"Look we just wanna talk" Said Ben
"Why? You both here to get them right?and then leave me alone" he said
"We know why your doing this!" I yelled
"You had your chance jungkook!"
"And I am sorry jungking. But lock me up, not my brothers!"
"Nah, then it wouldn't be fair"
"This was your revenge to take everybody from me. But your hurting them!?"
Ben smiles darkly
"Im glad... You figured it out"

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