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Name: Austin impe
Race: tau human hybrid
Leader of shadow warriors

Battlesuits Origins : The pinnacle of Earth Caste battlesuit development, it stands twice the size of the XV8 Crisis Suit series

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Battlesuits Origins : The pinnacle of Earth Caste battlesuit development, it stands twice the size of the XV8 Crisis Suit series. However, it nonetheless is an extremely agile and fast suit, being easily capable of outmaneuvering more crude Imperial walkers. Riptides are most commonly armed with a Heavy Burst Cannon or Ion Accelerator as well as Riptide Shield Generators, twin Smart Missile Systems, and twin Fusion Blasters or Plasma Rifles, giving firepower and protection to compliment their agility. The Riptide draws power from two primary energy sources. The first, the Fusion Reactor, is the standard and more reliable method of energy. However the Riptide is also equipped with a Nova Reactor, an experimental dark matter energy source that is only activated should the Riptide's Shas'vre pilot require a burst of extra power.[2] It proves itself as not much reliable but very powerful reactor, completely eclipse the past failures, when early protoypes of Riptides without nova reactors were too ponderous machines or else dangerously unstable
The XV104 was first unleashed during the Third Sphere of Expansion at the Battle of Mu'gulath Bay. There, thanks to their maneuverability, advanced weaponry, and armor, the newly deployed Riptides were effective in countering cumbersome Imperial heavy tanks and static entrenched positions. However production of the Riptide has proven slow - the materials for the dense nanocrystaline alloy armor are difficult to obtain and the sheer volume required ensures that the XV104 is a rare commodity. As a result, only experienced XV8 Bodyguards are granted the high honor of piloting a Riptide
Battlesuits own enhancement: two dimensions storage which are instead in his missile pod Gavin him a unlimited ammo for his missile pod and have many version of the missile to counter any scenario he even has a missile to stop vortex grenade or weapon and even a missile that can even stop battle psycho of space marines ability to use the warp and his riptide shield generation has been upgraded to withstand untold amount force of damage even the main cannon of 5000 banblade will have hard time even making a Scratch on the shield it is so strong it even withstand a full attack of every weapon on the ships in the imperium fleet and his chan-gun has many upgrades and modes at it highest it take down war titan army 300 one spared attack of his weapon and his invisible equipment has been upgraded that even custodes and sisters of silence don't notice him him when was right next to them and his jetpack as well has been upgraded now he can go fast as or faster then star-fighters and have more Feld then the star-fighters and has night-vision and trackers to find enemy base or any ambushes out they to be lunch at him or find any of his man that got lost and tell how bad are they wounded if they have any and battlesuit has been upgraded to withstand any environment on the battlefields such as volcanic or toxic or space butter then other battlesuit that been made
achievement: Austin impe is a highly train veteran from the dark crusade of the planet of Kronus and The Kaurava conflict or the soulstorm war in the Kaurava IV the system during that time he learn tactics from three commanders two on battlefield one in the book and have gran battle skills for each enemy faction he fought for the orks he learned how fight bigger enemy in hand to combat to the elder sword combat to the Necrons warfare against heavy armor warriors to chaos where the best place to shoot at to the imperium guard to see weakness in the ranks of command and in the soldiers and the blood Angels On how to escape fast explosive rounds and fast heavy armor warriors that wear stronger then him for the sister of battle what the best cover against these flamethrower attacks or something with fire and for the dark elder he learn how to beak in a prison and get the inmates to ready for battle and when Austin impe was Gavin the role of command he had his sergeant as his sup-commander to help him in his as general like do wend they just fire cast warrior
Name: Corey oranje
Race: tau human hybrid
Sub-commander of the shadows warriors

 As a result, only experienced XV8 Bodyguards are granted the high honor of piloting a RiptideBattlesuits own enhancement: two dimensions storage which are instead in his missile pod Gavin him a unlimited ammo for his missile pod and have many ver...

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Battlesuit gear: Corey battlesuit was made with extra armor and speed and strength far batter then any battersuit for Corey unlike a normal tau using long range attack he Focus on Close combat with a spare that gave the close combat range and taking down many operations at once the long range fire arm his two drone that have more armor and fire power then any drones that have been make
Achievement: is highly train with a spare so much he kills hold groups of spare marines grayknights and necrons tomb guard and even made companies of his own train warriors call the blade warriors highly train with a sword so much that gave elder and sword wilder space marines a run for they money
And they first ever campaign with the shadow warriors taking control of two planet Theta

Battlesuit gear: Corey battlesuit was made with extra armor and speed and strength far batter then any battersuit for Corey unlike a normal tau using long range attack he Focus on Close combat with a spare that gave the close combat range and taki...

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Were they meet a faction call advent which was offense to the tau empire they destroy the race that started the empire and take the race that was under advent control and have lived proper civilization and be part of the tau empire like they allie...

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Were they meet a faction call advent which was offense to the tau empire they destroy the race that started the empire and take the race that was under
advent control and have lived proper civilization and be part of the tau empire like they allies
And take 5 on different worlds in the system
The coalition had a continental world call Vakarth
The viper empire got a savanna world call Suildikar
The sectoid republic got a gaia world Churlon
Muton oligarchy arid world call Fungelos and the confederation of andromeda arctic world Tapeaux

And was Gavin command of the system after 19 years that each of 7 planet has population fifteen billion three hundred forty-eight million that in total is one hundred seven billion four hundred thirty-six million that was just that civilian that s...

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And was Gavin command of the system after 19 years that each of 7 planet has population fifteen billion three hundred forty-eight million that in total is one hundred seven billion four hundred thirty-six million that was just that civilian that soldiers on each base was two hundred fourteen billion eight hundred seventy-two million in total one trillion five hundred four billion one hundred four million are in the system indeed these systems of all the tau empire the most heavy defense not only the new allies that gave them advantage over they enemy's but that factory for they ship and armor and weapons ammo and vehicles even battlesuit were making more then half of the tau empire and they are better then any
Thing made out of the system and his place has highly upgraded space cannon that stop invasion fleet lead by even necrons lords and primarch

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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