- T H R E E -

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[ I R L ]

AS LUCY SAT THERE HUMMING AWAY, she heard a crunch of leaves coming towards her from below. She looked down and spotted a boy who looked the same age as them, he had blonde hair and was wearing a blue jumper with his sleeves rolled up from what she could see. He was also walking two dogs, one of them were all black and the other was white with brown spots on it.

She didn't know if she should say hi and make friends as she didn't have any friends here yet but by the time the she had decided on what to do he had already seen her sitting there looking at him.

"You alright there?" He asked.

"Yeah, good thanks what about you?" She replied.

"Fine, just wondering why you're in a tree"

"Nice view and it's peaceful"

"What's your name?" He changed the subject.

"Lucy, what about you?"

"Tom or Tommy, I don't mind"

"Cool, wait there I'm coming down"

She put her notebook and headphones back in her bag and began to climb down with her phone in their back pocket. Slowly but surely she made her way down standing in front of the tall boy in comparison to her.

"So Tommy, its nice to meet you" She looked him up and down "wow you are slender man"

"And you're a midget" He replied as they began walking getting an eye roll in return "So did you recently move here or something?"

"Yeah moved here today, decided to explore and found this field"

"Oh yeah where do you live? didn't mean for that to sound weird by the way"

"Just in the estate round the corner"

"Me too, I'll have to show you around"

"Sounds good, by the way how old are you?" The girl asked.

"Seventeen" He answered

"Oh, me too" She smiled "Anyway back to the real questions, what are your dogs called?"

"This ones Betty" He pointed to the black dog and then the other "This is Walter"

"Fuck me, how much more tory could you get? I wouldn't be surprised if you have England flags hanging in your windows"

"I'm not a tory, how dare you. I bet you're a tory"

"Hey" she raised her hands in defence "your the one with dogs named Betty and Walter"

"Stop being mean they have feelings"

"I'm not being mean to them I'm being mean to you because you called them that, they're cute anyway so it doesn't matter"

They sat down in front of the two dogs and both of them came up to her sniffing all over before Walter jumped on her which just made her laugh although Tommy apologised it didn't bother her. The two dogs already loved her much more than Tommy, Lucy always had a connection with animals. She always preferred them to people, they didn't make noise which was easier for because she wasn't a fan of people noises since she was 13.

She stood up eventually and they both continued to walk until they reached the end of the field and exited through a gate, they didn't know where Tommy was taking her she just followed him trusting he wasn't a weirdo who would kidnap her or something like that. Finally the two made it to one of the entrances of their estate and Lucy quickly recognised where they were.

"My house is here" Lucy told Tommy "You got insta or something?"

"I'll just give you my number it's easier"

"Making moves I sheeshhhh" They joked while doing the fuck boy face.

"Shut up" He laughed handing her his phone "put your number in"

"Very forward I see"

"Oh my goddd do you want my number or not?"

"Yes" She took the phone and put her phone number in.

Tommy looked at the contact name and back up at her "Why have you saved it as 'girlboss' with loads of hearts and crowns?"

"Because I'm a girl boss" They hold up a peace sign "Anyway I'm going now see you later"

He let out a light chuckle "bye"

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