A DemiWitch At Camp Half-Blood Chapter 1

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Erin Green was sitting down in Ginny Weasley's room reading a book, Erin loved staying at the Weasley's and she loved it when her three best friends were there with her, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. Erin flicks her black hair out of her face and turns the page when the door opens, "um Erin dear" Mrs Weasley says poking her head in the room, "yes Mrs Weasley?" Erin says looking up from her book, "someone is here to see you dear... shall I let them in" Mrs Weasley says looking down,

"sure" Erin says smiling, Soon a man with a long beard and moon shaped glasses walks in, she knows straight away that's its her headmaster at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry, Erin puts her book down, oh no what have I done now, Erin thinks biting down on her lip, "ah Miss Green" Dumbledore says sitting down, "oh hello um Head Master" Erin says uneasy, "Miss Green I am here to talk about you going to school next year" Dumbledore says, Erin didn't move, "I sadly have to say that you can not attend Hogwarts next year. for well until your ready" Dumbledore says, a huge lump reaches Erin's throat, "... what" she finally says, "only because you have to go to... summer camp to train." Dumbledore said, "what summer camp" Erin asks, "halfblood camp" Dumbledore said, "are you kidding me, I cant go to Hogwarts because of a stupid camp!" Erin snaps at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stares at her, "sorry sir... didn't mean to snap" Erin says looking down, "its ok Miss Green... now this half-blood camp is no camp... its for people like you" Dumbledore says getting up and pacing the room, "for people like me... do you mean more witches" Erin asks hopping Hermione will be there too, "No" he says still pacing, "then what" Erin asks holding in her tears, "its for demigods... in your case a demiwitch" Dumbledore says now looking at Erin, "a what" Erin says confused, "a demigod... you do know about the Greek gods don't you" Dumbledore asks pacing again, "yes I do b-but there not real" Erin says, "not real" Dumbledore asks, "yes there myths... there fake they are just fiction" Erin said,  "so are Wizards and Witches but there real" Dumbledore says, Erin looks down, "wait so what goes it have to do with me" Erin asks. 

"well a demigod has a parent who is a Greek God meaning...", "meaning that my mum... or dad is a Greek god!" Erin says surprised the truth is that Erin never have met her parents she was always a orphan until she got her letter saying she was a witch, "yes" "which one?", "I don't know yet" Dumbledore says sitting down again, "well what does that have to do anything about this summer camp" Erin asks standing up and going to her bag, "well now that you have turned 12 you are in danger because that's the age were the monsters can smell you and they will attack" Dumbledore says, Erin grabs some paper and a quill, "so why do I still need to go to this school isn't Hogwarts safe" , "Miss Green remember last year after the Christmas hoilday's how you killed that monster" Dumbledore asks, Erin gulped, of corse she remembered that, one night when she was practicing her sword moves in the forbidden forest, she stumbled apon a monster and after a while she killed it with her sword, "i-i do sir", 

"but still that was because i was in the forbidden forest, there are monsters all around the forest" she says, "no it wasn't Miss Green" Dumbledore says, "so Hogwarts isnt safe?"Erin asks looking everywhere but at dumbledore, "yes Hogwarts is safe but not safe for demigods" Dumbledore says frowning.

"so this summer camp... does it have more people like me" Erin asks, "no"

"not a demiwitch but there are demigods" Dumbledore says, "ok... so what do I do with my wand I am not a load to use magic outside of school" Erin says, "well the minister has said because you will need a weapon there you can use magic" Dumbledore says looking at a photo, "oh yay... but I have only learnt a few things" Erin says frowning. "well I have brought your books for this year... and the next few years" Dumbledore says with a slight smile, "ok"

"and some things you might need on the way" Dumbledore says, Erin goes to grab a bag, "no, no need for a bag I have this" Dumbledore says handing Erin a small bag, "what is this" Erin asks putting her hand though, it keeps going and going until Erin cant reach anymore, "it's a magic bag, anything can fit in it" Dumbledore says.

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