- fight

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SUMMARY: after a fight but hunter is a big ol' goofball.
female reader!
warnings: none!! just fluffiness :)


you couldn't find a better word to describe it. he pissed you off, which meant everything pissed you off. the A/C is too loud? you'll cry. you cant get comfortable? you'll scream into your pillow and sob. it's just the way you coped with feeling like that.

currently, you were sitting on your bed with your arms wrapped around a pillow that had mascara, lip gloss, and tears stained all over it.

it smelt great.

just great.

"maybe he doesn't like you cause you're so dang sensitive." you cursed at yourself, making you whimper and cry even more.

the fight you and your boyfriend had wasn't even that bad! it was literally a fight over something absolutely stupid.

(just imagine he joked about something you're insecure about. for example, i'm insecure about my height :))

thinking about his hurtful comment once again, you began crying even more, hugging onto your pillow like life support.

not even noticing that little flashes of light were being shined down below your window, you turned and faced the wall.

before a rock was thrown at your window.

hunter thought it would be cute! you once showed him a movie where the boy threw little rocks at the girl's window, and he thought you would really like it.

but this didn't go as planned. there weren't any pebbles around your backyard, so he chose a decorative rock that was sitting there. it was about as big as a cat.

looking over at your window, it was shattered to say the least. the glass was still in place and in the windowsill, but it was obviously broken.

standing up and going to your window, you carefully lifted it up and looked down, seeing your boyfriend smile at you like a doofus.

"what." you asked.

"oh, c'mon! you cant greet me like that-"

"hunter, you joked about my ___, you made me cry for the past 6 hours, and then you come here and throw a huge rock at my window and shatter it. i think that greeting you with 'what' instead of my usual greeting of a kiss on the cheek is better for this occasion." you told him, not breaking eye contact with him.

"oh. yeah. haha..." hunter laughed, trailing off with his face turning pink.

you sighed in defeat, "just...come in."

turning and walking back to your bed, hunter quickly climbed up the ladder placed under your window. once he slid through the broken window, he smiled at you.

"so...how about that hooty guy? haha..."

trying to lean on your vanity with style, he accidentally knocked down some trinkets placed on it. and when he went to go and rescue them, even more fell down. so you had to watch him while he tried to get everything back together.

once he did, he chuckled awkwardly to himself and patted the little turtle statue he just saved. he then turned back to you with rosy cheeks and smiling like a doofus.

you tried to hide your smile when seeing him smile, but you failed. he saw it.

"why did you even come here?" you asked, removing the smile from your face. you knew exactly why, but you wanted to see how he was going to apologize.

"oh, yes. i came here to apologize to my amazing, beautiful, and hot girlfriend? she's about yay high," hunter held up his hand against his shoulder, showing how tall you were, "very very pretty, the most gorgeous hair, and the prettiest laugh? have you ever heard of her?"

"hmm...nope. i think you have the wrong house." you replied to him, making him smile even more.

he walked over to your bed and sat down on it, as you turned to face him.

"but honestly...i'm really sorry. i should've known you were insecure about that. you've told me so many times, and i just got carried away with myself. but honestly, i think it's just perfect. just like you." hunter smiled, turning his head and facing you, who was as red as a cherry.

instead of replying, you kissed the tip of his nose, making him smile and laugh.

"apologize accept, dingus." you smiled.


this is cheesy!! :D

please make sure to request if you would like to see something!! <33

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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