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Education and schooling are independent factors, when it comes to the subject of success, also education is also schooling but there is a limit apply to it, because education is school, it pointed at a particular field of study, that why education is limited when is come to schooling, because also we go to school to be educated, but it is possible to be educated without going to school, I will explain in the later topic, why someone can be educated with any formal schooling.


Schooling is a process, arrange, that deals with, grades, written, test and positions.


Education is the formation, rebuilding, constructing of one's habit, life style, social interactions with others. Education deals with principles and not process, education has nothing to do with grades or position, education is every book you read, every films or movies you watch, every music you listen, education is all about inspiring and advancement, education deals with behavior and the advancement of humanity.


Whatsoever is said in praise of school, fine, but the truth is , school, deals with grades, position, written and analysis, school only try to make more employees, by making them work for money, school put people in a rat race, if you are not careful enough, it is however good to go to school for the purpose of educating the human person, in other to be professional in it field of study and be able to relate with his or her social environment. But school is not the basic for success, because success is independent from school, because we go to school to learn right but to succeed is another independent force to be apply to your learning in school.

A quick illustration................................

If MR A goes to school, he went to learn about a particular thing, when he excel in his learning, it is not because it was the school that make him excel but what made MR A excellent was because he apply another external force, which cause him to succeed or excel.

For example

Timothy Ferris is a well know author in the United State of America but before then when he was still in school, he said "he fail all his foreign language subject while in school" but after graduating from school, he took it upon himself to learn to speak foreign language, because he love it, presently, Timothy Ferris is the author of the 4HWW meaning "THE 4 HOURS WORK WEEK" this book has been translated into thirty five languages and Tim himself now speaks six different languages. The fact is, it was not the school but the it was Tim will power to succeed that made him master those languages.


There are certain factors that constitute success.

i. Commitment

ii. Consistency

iii. Never settle for less

iv. Be prayerful

v. Diligent

vi. The will to succeed

i. If you are committed to something, you will get whatsoever you want from it.

ii. Consistency: consistency is different from commitment, you do not, even if you fail, rather you fall forward, by check what cause your mistake or failure and try not to repeat it again.

Because it was after one thousand time failure, that at the one thousand and one time, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.

iii. Never settle for less: so many people including the younger generation, make big mistakes they feel so relax, when they have achieve a certain success in life, so many people have fall off in certain success, because when they achieve a certain thing, they become okay at that stage and do not choose to attain more, it is very wrong to choose to remain in a level of success you have attain, because life is about, increase and advancing, because that why you see the green grasses grow , that is why Apple company develop new iphone's always, that is why you always want more, so settling at a certain level of success is bad, is a fact that you are limiting your level of success.

"Once you say you're going to settle for second, that's what happen to you"

---------- JOHN F. KENNEDY.

iv. Be prayerful: it is very important that you pray and commit whatsoever you do into God's hands, because the essence for our growth is through the communication of prayers.

v. Diligent: it is apt that we be diligent in all we do, because PROVERDS, chapter 13, verse 4

The Bible emphasis on Diligent, when it stated in

Verse (4) " The soul of a sluggard desire and has nothing; but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich.

vi. The will power to succeed: some people have no will power and some have but can't use it, but those who know how to you their will power, they become supernatural, the will power is base on your determination to succeed always, so many follow what people say, without having their own rules and stand in life. You have to determined to have your own principles and know what you allow, like what you hear or not, what you see or not, what you watch or not, who are your friends and lastly never fail in anything.

"Civilization had many rules for me. I did my best to rewrite them" --------BILL COSBY.

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