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Parenting is an act of guidance; it is a privilege to assist, lead, build, sustain, comfort, teach, direct another being.

It is an executive council; because when you as a parent give birth to a child, it is God just telling you, I trust you with this person.


In this 21 century parents are now focus on what to give to their children and neglecting unknowingly , the real focus of been a parent, which is to assist your children to attained their calling in life, the calling is not about their career, is far from that, the calling is not about their job, the calling is about that reason, why the child exist on earth and you will never know it, if you do not care to listen to them.

In 1970, the United State of America, was in deep scarcity in diesel, the economy was down but in that very year two little boys with no or little collage education founded two world leading companies and am talking about MICROSOFT and APPLE, accord to Steve Jobs , the then founder of Apple company, he said that he saw that the school fees for his college education was high and his parents was just spent a lot of money on him going to school, he said that was not what he wanted, he wanted to create something unique and he knows the school is not going to help him get it, so he choose to withdraw from school, he told his parents, which they agreed and then he quit out of the school and sign up for a calligraphy class and when you look at the apple computer you will see those letter on the keyboard and see how beautiful they are carve, it was his idea

What am trying to explain here is, parents should not try to force their children to do what they do not like. There was an old saying and it has pass down from generation to generations which state that.

You could take a horse to the water, but you can't force it to drink it

The fact is a parent need not force his or her child, rather support them in whatsoever they choose to do or become, but am not saying that schooling is bad or children should stop going to school, because I love school too, but do not get me wrong, because I did not said that, the fact is, parents should understand that schooling is not the basic for success and going to school is not a calling in a child life but just a basic society factor, so what I am saying is when you notice that thing in your child that give him or her access to maximum enthusiasm trust that, and support your child in it, no matter what, even if they fail, that is why you are there, comfort and tell them they can do better, as far as what they choose in life will not harm humanity, support them, for that is why you are called a parent.


Judging their children from their past mistake; this can make a child question life and his or her existence, some parents so much judge their kids from their kids past mistake, as if them their selves as parents had never did mistakes. But the fact still remain that some parents are the worst mistake makers and some even in their marriages, the thing is because your kid made a mistake does not mean that, that is who he or she is, mistake sometimes needed to be done, so that they will learn and choose to do better.

An expert is person who has made all the mistake that can be made in a narrow field----------NIEL BOHR, Danish physicist and noble prize winner

As a parent, your goal is to see your child be the best right, and in the process of attaining the best, there must be mistake sometimes but not all the time, it is not because your child is dumb in head, no, it is because it is his or her, first, second or third time of doing that thing,  and mistake do not come because someone is doing something, it come when the person is still new to what he or she is doing, the fact and truth is no pilot can tell you that he or she learn how to fly an airplane in one day and also just know that there is nothing like a smooth mountain because all mountains have sharp edges and if you want to climb the mountain, you must step on those sharp edges, not because you want it, but because that is the process, it is part of the mountain, and you can't tell me that you learn how to drive a car or ride a cycle or bike in a day. So also that how in the process of attaining success, sometimes they must be mistake or failure if ever a person want to attained success or greatness. You do not need to tell your kids words like am not even sure, if am the one that gave birth to you or You are useless or you can't do anything good or you are a loser or  I can't help someone that fails or  why did I even give birth to you. Saying all those word because your child did mistake or failed at something, that is bad.

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