Playing Together

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Unknown number: It's Sabrina, sorry, I got your number from Juleka in class. I hope you aren't mad. 😟😧😨

Luka smiled as he read the message. A week had passed since that walk home and he'd begun to think maybe it was a one and done 'heroic' deed and that was it. It hadn't occurred to him to just ask Jul how Sabrina looked to be doing, he mentally kicked himself for that, some friend.

Luka: Not a problem. Good to hear from you. Things going well?

Sabrina: Yes but no. I mean, it's fine, it doesn't matter. 🙃😝 I tried stopping by the boat but no one was home. 😢 My fault for not emailing! I was wondering if maybe you might want to do something? I could watch you guys practice. I'll sit in the back and be quiet. 😓😰

Luka chuckled as he read, he could hear her texts. He wondered idly if she knew what calm even was. The first part worried him a bit. Prying over the phone probably wouldn't achieve much though.

Luka: Practice isn't until the weekend. If you want to stop over before that you'll have to put up with just me I'm afraid.

Sabrina: Oh! I wouldn't mind. You'd be lovely. I mean hanging out with you. 😳😵 I listened to your music. We could talk about that? 😎

Luka: Sounds cool. I don't work after school today. Bring over your instrument if you want. We can play some too.

He'd always found playing alongside someone gave him a better read on them. He also wanted to check up on a little observation that had been nagging him since their last encounter. It might just be his imagination, but it was something new.

Sabrina: OMG I don't know if I caaan 😱😭 I will try though. 4 o'clock? 🤔

Luka: See you then.

This is how Luka found himself watching Sabrina barrel down the sidewalk towards him that afternoon. He pushed off the lamppost he had been leaning on, not sure he believed his own eyes. She was clutching her briefcase, apparently repaired?, to her chest and kareening around people, only skidding and panting to a stop when she reached him.

"Sorry, Sorry. I didn't mean to be late."

Luka snagged a quick glance at the time,"You're ten minutes early." he grinned down at her doubled-up self.

"I KNOW! Right?" Sabrina straightened,"That's almost late! I am so sorry." she managed to catch her breath, the redness leaving her cheeks,"I just wanted to be sure to dress nice, but then I couldn't decide what color. It's such a stupid girl thing but I just couldn't help myself." the redness rose again and she looked away.

Now Luka was stuck. He had to comment obviously. He wracked his brain trying to figure out what was different. He didn't think it was quite fair, having only walked her home once, but here he was. Sweater? No. Shorts? No. Stockings? No. Shoes? No. He was running out of options. Wait, she couldn't be referring to... Sabrina brushed her hair back from her face and turned to look back at him and Luka was saved.

"Your headband."

Sabrina brought her hand up again and nodded, fidgeting slightly with the light blue band,"I thought we could match!"

Luka couldn't help but smile. It was a natural thing for him but there was an added warmth to it,"You look good. C'mon let's get you something to drink before you fall over."

That earned him a giggle as he led her onto the boat. They headed down to the galley, and Luka asked over his shoulder,"New briefcase?"

"Oh no. I just fixed it back up."

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