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Another day of school, it began like so many others for most, but for Sabrina it was important. Today was the day. She had her helmet with her and set it prominently on her desk. She had her sweatshirt with her, wrapped around her waist as a good luck charm. More people said hi to Chloé as they passed now. Not everyone, and not everyday, but Mylene, Adrien, Ivan, even Nino a couples times.

One or two got confused finger waves on any given day. Most were ignored or shot glances after they passed and sometimes Chloé busied herself with something as a cover. Sabrina liked this last one the best because it was usually the Homework Sabrina had prepared that Chloé busied herself with.

Sabrina did her best not to fidget throughout classes; fidgeting upset Chloé. The water and cookies were both gone halfway through the morning, Sabrina took that as a good omen. It was right before lunch when she made her first move. A nervous glance towards Chloé caught Adrien's gaze by accident, but he flashed a natural smile and it helped. Sabrina fastened on her bike helmet while everyone was gathering up papers then turned and looked directly at Chloé, waiting until her friend made accidental eye contact.

Chloé's eyes looked at the helmet, how could they resist? And what came next was just as inevitable,"Sabrina, what ARE you doing? You look ridiculous, utterly ridiculous." A slight widening of her eyes gave away that Chloé hadn't intended to even say that much; too late now.

Sabrina grinned genuinely back at Chloé and answered clearly,"I haven't heard that in forever." She knocked on the side of the helmet,"You said wear it the next time I do something stupid. And you'll probably tell me I'm doing something stupid, so I put it on."

Chloé hadn't spoken to anyone in too long. Sabrina could see the wheel spinning in a confused reaction to her rambling. She wouldn't let it stop this time,"Chloé, I want to talk to you. I think it's important. I miss you. Anywhere is fine. Here, the library, the lockers, your suite-"

"No!" it wasn't anger as much as panic,"Not my suite, no. Not there." then a quick cover, aloof coolness filtering in. Chloé studied her nails,"The maid hasn't been doing her job properly lately. I really should have her fired."

Sabrina didn't wait for things to settle,"Then my room? You've never been. But no one will see us talking there."

That spun the wheel again before it could even stop,"your... room?" the words seemed alien to Chloé,"But your house is going to be so-"

"Small! I know, but I have Perrier, sliced oranges, strawberries with the tops off, and four chocolates from La Maison du Chocolat, two dark, two milk, and no nuts." She ticked off the things on her fingers as she listed them,"And dad won't be home so no one even has to know you ever stopped by if you don't tell them."

There were calculations where before they wouldn't have been. Sabrina waited hopefully, she'd laid it all out. There wasn't much more she could think of to do. Sabrina had knocked Chloé's emotional wheel off track, but she couldn't do anything about pride.

"No, I don't think so." came the answer. Sabrina didn't bother to try to hide her disappointment, maybe that saved her because the follow up,"We'll talk in my limo after school. I'll have Jean-D'ce put up the sound guard," was unexpected. Chloé's expression settled back into her usual mask,"Now take that ridiculous helmet off and fetch me something from the lunchroom. I am tired."


Sabrina: Wish me Luck! I'm gonna do it! Got Chloé to talk to me! 😤😱😎

Luka:I know you can do it, but good luck too. I'll take my phone off vibrate so I can hear if you buzz me even while working. Just let me know if you need anything.

Sabrina: 🥰😁🥰

Sabrina tucked her phone away and followed Chloé out of their last class, things almost felt like old times, but Sabrina wasn't old times. She took up a handful of sweatshirt as she walked and gave it a squeeze.

Once inside the Limo with Sabrina facing forward and Chloé facing back, Chloé instructed the driver,"Privacy screen up Jean-ker, and do not take us home, drive around until instructed otherwise." As the screen rose Chloé's gaze settled on Sabrina. Even in her home element there was something of a cornered animal in Chloé's eyes now. "Well? Here we are. What is running through that little head of yours? Other than bad fashion choices it would seem." her eyes flicked down to the sweatshirt around Sabrina's waist.

Sabrina just let it go. She squeezed the briefcase in her hands but didn't shrink, she couldn't shrink now. "It's because. I care about you Chloé. You're my best friend, and I want to be the best best friend for you. The thing is," Sabrina brushed back her bangs to no effect,"I don't always know what you need even when I know you need something, but I know you need something now, but it's something I don't know."

Sabrina plowed on, her eyes darting up every so often as the words spilled out,"So, I was thinking maybe if you talked to someone who might know, someone whose job it is to know, that might help? I know you probably won't like it, but you just get so angry anymore Chloé and it hurts to see you like that, and it hurts you too. I can see that, but I don't have anything else I can do alone, but I'm still here to do whatever it takes as soon as we have someone who can tell us what is right to do." She was out of air.

The motion of the car was barely a thing, the sound was cut completely away. Sabrina could hear her own breathing, every little squirm against the leather seating seemed loud. She forced her eyes up in the silence. She was expecting anger, what she saw was, more.

There was no wheel this time, it was just all there. Everything in one big messy pile and all of it written across Chloé's face. Sabrina's hands slipped off her case and gripped her sweatshirt. She wished he was here. When Chloé finally spoke the words came out thick and stilted,"You want me, Chloé Bourgeois, to see a shrink?"

Sabrina thought about the bench, about how rich people do this, about convincing Chloé to like it. That isn't what came tumbling out though,"No!" Sabrina shook her head and clenched her hands in the fabric tighter,"No, I don't want you to. I want to hear you laugh. I want to make fun of fashion shows. I want to go shopping all day. I want to eat those silly little treats that taste like nothing but look so pretty. I want to be able to look up and see you when I'm doing our homework. I want you to be the loudest girl in the class. I want you to call me an idiot, then smile when you don't think I can see," Sabrina choked but kept going,"I want to tell you where this sweatshirt came from. I want to tell you what I've been doing. I want to hear what you've been doing. I want to talk about Lycée. I want you to come see my room. I want to be able to be your Sabrina again," Sabrina raised her eyes again, she couldn't see very well through the blur,"I want my Chloé. I just don't know any other way." Sabrina blinked hard. She shook her head to clear her eyes but wouldn't, couldn't let go of her grip right now. She needed it.

Chloé wasn't looking at her, wasn't looking at anything. Her hand came up slowly, touching a button on the arm rest. The car slowed and pulled over. "Get out." the words made barely a sound in the stillness.


Chloé silenced her with a finger. "You-'ve." Chloé's voice hitched, it sounded worse than Sabrina's,"said... enough." Chloé leaned over and opened the door.

Was this better? Was this worse? Sabrina moved as instructed, scooting over and climbing out. Chloé's voice came again when her back was turned,"Whatever... happens. I'm sorry."

Sabrina bit her tongue to keep from bawling. She forced her voice to behave with a strength she wouldn't have had only so recently,"I'm right here, outside the door when you open it. I'll knock now and then to remind you."

The door closed. Sabrina saw Chloé switch seats, then the car pulled away. Sabrina took out her phone with a hand that could barely hold it.

Sabrina: Help. Ponte Marie.

Luka: On my way.

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