His Place

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Sabrina's case went back in the basket, all in one piece this time, and she sat behind him for the ride. She clung tightly so it came as a shock when she yelled,"Stop!" and pushed off his back.

He skidded to a stop, clamping the breaks and slewing his rear tire around. She was staggered but still upright where she'd jumped off. She hopped up onto the sidewalk and dashed into the florist shop they'd stopped in front of,"Be right back!"

It wasn't the first time a girl had leapt off his bike, and brought up uncomfortable memories. Luka parked his bike but instead of just passively waiting this time around he walked inside.

Sabrina was in front of the coolers where fresh flowers were displayed. Luka stepped up beside her, his voice holding more edge than he wanted when he asked,"What was that about?"

Luckily she seemed too absorbed to pick up on his misplaced anger. She pressed her hands to the glass,"Well, it was SUPPOSED to be a surprise, but since you came in I guess you can pick. Juleka said the books, but since I can't; Rose said I should buy you roses. What color would you like? You know the colors mean stuff? White is for purity. Yellow is for Friendship..." she left it there.

Luka went through an internal struggle with himself. Dragging past problems into the present even for a moment was entirely unfair and finding out it was for a gift, even a kind of silly one, made it worse.

The lighting from inside the coolers reflected off Sabrina's glasses as she peered in, her earnest face studying each and every bloom on offer, and Luka would bet; actually weighing the pros and cons. She glanced over at him with an abashed excitement in those eyes and he made a decision,"Well." he said, leaning down close to her and looking in,"If we get pink, then it'll match your complexion in three... two... one." Luka glanced at Sabrina with a grin as he spoke, and true to his prediction the blush rose in her features. "Oh my." he continued, turning to face her more completely,"Maybe we'll need red."

Sabrina looked away; the color on her cheeks deepened to true red. She glanced back, did a little step-in-place then plowed into Luka, burying her face against his chest with a completely defeated wail.

Luka caught her instinctively, a bit stunned by her reaction, and more so by his own words. He hadn't meant to take it quite so far. A part of his mind was telling him just how cozily she fit within the sweep of his arms as he glanced down. Sabrina's face was covered by her hands, but as he was looking she did peek up. Eyes met eye and she let out another tormented wail and reached up, pushing at his face.

"You are the worst!" she accused halfheartedly.

That brought out a chuckle that took away Luka's confusion and warmed him inside. He gave Sabrina a squeeze and replied,"guilty." He loosened his grip, but didn't actually let go, and Sabrina didn't pull away.

It was the florist's polite cough that sent them flying back to their respective positions, shuffling and primping like kids caught with the cookie jar. "We are closing soon, is there anything I can help you with?"

Luka answered,"How about one of each of your roses, in two separate bouquets?"

"Two?" Sabrina's voice cracked, her color was still fighting high in her cheeks.

Luka glanced back at her,"If you're getting me one, then I'm doing the same. It's only fair." That set her bouncing again. Luka resolved to cool it a little, he didn't want her to explode.

The florist bustled to the coolers, picking out two each of the four rose colors and a spray of greens to round out each bouquet. The activity gave them both something to focus on. Sabrina's color returned to normal and Luka had some time to replay the last few minutes in his head. That had definitely not been how he intended all that to go, but he was having a hard time being upset about it. It'd been a long time since he'd felt.... comfortable? Was that the word? It seemed to fit, just as Sabrina had inside that hug. An embaressnuggle wasn't a romance by any stretch but it at least opened the idea that another level of friendship could work, and that idea was another warming one.

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