Chapter 19 - Muggle

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You walk for a little while longer before Thor puts his hand up and you stop. You wait impatiently, your foot tapping on the ground while Loki makes snide comments about their lateness.

Finally, Lady Sif and Jane's faces come into view. Loki takes a step forward to introduce himself. "I'm Loki, you may have heard of-"

He is cut off when Jane slaps him hard on the cheek. You wince. "That was for New York." She growls.

Loki looks shocked for a moment, then smiles a toothy grin. "I like her."

You take a step forward next, extending your hand out for a handshake. "Hi, I'm (y/n), please don't hit me." She shakes your hand, trying to read your expression. "I am fine with you slapping Loki occasionally though, I have done it myself and find it to be extremely anger relieving. Plus sometimes he deserves it."

Jane looks confused. "Why did you slap him?"

You smile at her. "He asked for half of my cookie."

She thinks for a moment, then smiles back. "It's nice to meet you (y/n)."

You turn to Lady Sif. "Hi Lady Sif, lemme just say I greatly admire your badassery and the way you are breaking barriers by being a woman warrior."

She seems taken aback, as though no one has ever said that to her before. "Thank you."

Fangirling done, you know it's time for you to head off into the woods. "Well guys, it's been fun but I have to go try not to get eaten by wild animals. Thor, could you point me in the direction of the exit?"

He shows you a narrow passage. "That should lead you right into the woods."

You start to walk that way but not before calling calling over your shoulder "Don't stab anyone in the back Loki, it looks desperate! And don't die!" You wink before doing your best model walk down the hallway.

Just as Thor explained, you end up at the edge of the woods. They're dark and a little creepy and you're tempted to run back and try to catch up with the group, but you've made up your mind.

You take a confident step in, then another and another, until you are deep into the woods. Once you're inside it seems less formidable and you look for a place to make camp.

Soon you hear a bubbling steam and let your ears lead you to it. Next to the river is a clearing so you sit down, worn out from all the walking. Sitting eventually leads to laying, and you are splayed out on your back, staring up at the clouds in the sky.

Over to your side, you hear the sound of metal clanking as it hits the ground. You stand up quickly and pick up a large branch, ready to hit anything that comes close to you.

But no more sounds are made. You take a step closer to where you think the noise came from. As you're scanning your surroundings you see something shiny on the ground. Another step closer and you recognize it to be handcuffs.

They look familiar. You take one more step closer and lean down to pick them up. You hear a whoosh around you and start to fall. After what seems like forever, but can only be around 30 seconds, you hit the ground with a thump.

Your everything hurting from the impact, you squint around trying to figure out where you are. The landscape is gloomy and dim, and it's all covered with a black rocky dust sand. Then you have a moment of recognition. Shoot. Loki's handcuffs. Svartalfheim.

You stand up, the wind blowing black sand everywhere. You're at the top of a hill, and looking down, you can see Thor, Loki, Jane and the Dark Elves.

You go to the edge of the slope, and seeing it's not too steep, sit down and start to slide, crossing your fingers no one sees you. Maybe it's Loki's illusion (smart) or the fact they tried to destroy an infinity stone (stupid) but no one spots you.

When your feet hit the bottom, you stand up, shaking off any sand. Suddenly you see one of the weird red dimension sucker stones get thrown at Loki. He dives to protect Jane, and in the process, puts himself in danger.

"Loki!" You shout, all hope of secrecy gone. You run to him and luckily he's close. You grab his arm as he begins to get pulled in, but your feet start to slide too.

You don't want to let go because that would be a jerk move, but you know you are about to get sucked in. Just in time, you feel a body slam into yours and you hold onto Loki's hand with all of your strength.

With a thud, you hit the ground and groan. Thor stares at you, surprised, before spinning his hammer and flying off to fight. Loki stays and helps you up.

"You came for us." He says, in shock.

You shrug. "It wasn't really by choice, but whatever. Go help Thor, I'll get Jane."

He nods and you run to Jane, who looks dazed. "Are you alright?" She nods.

You prop her up so she's walking and leaning on your shoulder. You take her a couple of yards away so she won't get hurt before turning around to see how the battle's going.

Thor is losing terribly to the Horned Man, while Loki is holding his own against a group of elves. You can't help but stare for a while as he fights. Dang that is hot.

"(y/n)." You are shaken from your trance by Jane. "Go help them."

You give her a side eye. "How? Loki just dispatched all the elves and all that's left is Mr. Horned Dude."

Jane shrugs. "I don't know, distract him or something."

You sigh. "Fiiine."

You jog closer to see Sir Minotaur punching Thor in the face repeatedly. You grab a rock off the ground and halfheartedly throw it. It glances off his back, making a little pinging noise.

He turns around and growls at you, and you stare in shock at the giant creature you just pissed off before remembering yourself. "Hey!" You yell. "Yeah you! You're so dumb I'd bet you'd get all T's if you took the O.W.L's at Hogwarts! If you were in the Hunger Games you'd get a training score of 0!"

You watch closely as Loki creeps up behind Rhino Man. "Muggle!" You shout as the God of Mischief impales him from behind.

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