Chapter One: First Day Chaos

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Zayn's POV

I walk down the street with my sister as we head to Zed's house, today is our first day at a human high school and I'm having mixed feelings about it

You see, humans are weird in my opinion and they don't really like us. I can't blame them for being scared but its been so long since all that outbreak shit happened and now things are changing, thankfully

"I wonder how Zed is feeling about going to Seabrook" Eliza wonders as we walk down the sidewalk with our arms bumping into each other's a bit with her being shorter than me 

"I don't know how he feels but I know I'm on the fence about how to feel, I mean come on, the humans will hate us and honestly I'd prefer homeschooling over being stared at" I say causing my sister to roll her eyes

"Zayn your always a downer! You should be used to being stared at by now" Eliza starts causing me to roll my eyes

"But this! This could be great way to start a revolution, so please give it a chance" she say optimistically and I take a second to think as she looks at me expectingly

"Fine but I'm not toleratin no bullshit especially if they try and mess with any of us" I say as we get to Zed's house, I don't play about my family especially my sister and Zed but I'll keep an open mind

We use the extra key Zed's dad gave us before walking into Zed's house, we make our way to the kitchen to see his dad is serving breakfast, brain cereal

It's not bad but it's not that good either

"Hey kids, can you please tell Zed that football may be too much at once" Zed's Dad says as he looks up from eating his brains and gives us a side hug causing me to smile , I dap up Zed before hugging his little sister Zoey

"Hey kids, can you please tell Zed that football may be too much at once" Zed's Dad says as he looks up from eating his brains and gives us a side hug causing me to smile , I dap up Zed before hugging his little sister Zoey

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Zayn's outfit with a black beanie^^^^

"Eh, doesn't sound too bad I mean I'm joining with him but if anything happens I'll make sure cause hell" I say casually causing Eliza to elbow me and Zed's dad to laugh

"What?! I'm being open to new ideas just like you said and Zed and I walked about joining together anyway" I say as I take some brain bacon off Zed's plate and he tries to fight me over them

After a bit, we walk out of Zed's place and down the street towards the entrance of ZombieTown

We see some of our other zombie friends and I smile and dap them up with Zed and Eliza hugging them, We all went to a "school" together which as just the parents telling us how to survive as a zombie and basic things for life

We laugh a joke as we all out of our town and into Seabrook, I look around at all the colorful houses and smile slightly as we pass, we approach the school and it's big as hell, it's bigger than the school we went to which was just a warehouse

We look around and all joke with me imitating humans causing the group to laugh, I feel my beanie being pulled at causing me to sweat one of their hands and laugh out of nerves and ignore the pit in my stomach

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