Chapter Three: Pep Rally

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Zayn's POV

I walk into school with Zed and my sister as Zed talks about how he thought Addison was different like I haven't clarified to him thirty times that it wasn't what he thought but he's so hardheaded

"For the last time Zed, I told you she wasn't going to egg the house!" I say irritatedly as I run my hand over my face in frustration

"Yea whatever but why were you outside wandering again, I thought your mom told you to stop" He says causing me to shrug

"I like taking night walks and looking at the moon, and I don't care what she has to say about it " I say nonchalantly and roll their eyes, I have a sort of obsession with the moon, even my room at my Dad's is moon themed

My mom however hates when I might walk, something about curfew and that I can look at the moon from my room

"Hey there's no humans allowed in the basement" The "teacher" says causing us to turn around and see Addison standing there, my eyes widen and I look at Zed who's also shocked

"Someone yacked in the cafeteria" She says casually as her eyes look between the janitor and Zed

"Oh right, still the janitor" The Janitor says while rushing out with his stuff causing me to roll my eyes, i walk over to Addison with Zed beside me

"Wow, this is awful" Addison says shocked as she she looks around

"Yea we would have cleaned but the teacher is territorial about his mop" Eliza says sarcastically causing me to chuckle

"It's our normal, although we'd prefer it wasn't" I say nonchalantly causing Addison to nod sadly before looking at Zed

"Addison what are you doing here" Zed says sadly

"Apologizing, my cousin is a jerk about zombies and last night was cheer imitation, not that, that is a good excuse, I'm so sorry" Addison says causing me to look at Zed with an "I told you so" look

"Well what if Bucky sees us talking" Zed says causing me to smile a bit, he folded so easily with her

"We'll make sure he doesn't" She says causing me to smile fully, Addison's looks to me and smiles and I just nod to her

"Oh and Zayn, Bree says she's sorry for not talking last night, she's a bit shy especially with Zombies now around but in general" Addison explains and I smile

"Tell her I don't mind, I find it cute but uh, can you tell Bree that I wanna talk to her please" I say desperately as Addison looks to me and smiles cheerfully

"I definitely will, she wouldn't stop talking about you last night after you left" She says causing me to smile

"See you at the pep rally this afternoon" She asks causing me to scratch my neck as the three of us hiss and look away

"Zombies don't do pep rallys" Eliza says passive aggressively causing Zed and i to look at her, with me nudging her a bit

"We'll think about it" Zed says causing Addison to smile before leaving

"Can we like crack a window in here it stinks of human" Eliza says causing me to smack the back of her head

"Shut up, she's actually nice to us" I say causing Eliza to roll her eyes as Zed sits down in his seat

"Now that we have that settled, you mind telling me why you were walking the streets again last night" She asks causing me to kiss my teeth and look away from her

"I wanted some air and to look at the moon like always, stop asking" I say knowing she's gonna get on me again

"Doing that or to avoid mom" She says, told you

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