Chapter Five: Date Night

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Zayn's POV

I walk into my mother's house with Eliza and make my way upstairs to my spare room to get dressed but I'm stopped by my mother's voice and I hold back a huff

"Zayn, come here" She yells from the kitchen, I sigh before walking back down the stairs and over to her, I see she's standing at the stove making some brain stew that I'm not fuckin eating

Thanks to the mini fridge I got in my room

"Yes mom" I say unenthusiastically as she turns the stove off and now looks at me, she looks my outfit up and down and scrunches her face

Here we go

"I asked you here so you and I could have a chat, I don't appreciate you disrespecting your step father the other day and you owe him an apology" Mom starts but I barley acknowledge what she's saying

"I don't owe him an apology for not calling him dad, he's not my dad" I say and my mom sighs frustratedly as she rubs her temple

"Why can't you just be like Eliza and be cooperative, just call him Dad or something other than Arnold, it's disrespectful to use his name" My mom insists but i scoff and shake my head

"I have a dad and he's not him, I love my father and Arnold is Eliza's father and I don't owe him anything besides what I've given him which is space basic respect. If he got a problem then that's his issue" I retort and I can tell my mother is getting irritated and I am too

"Here you go, this man has been around for so long and you can't even give him the respect of calling his dad or even step dad. You barely interact with him and your constantly disrespecting the house, clearly you aren't learning something at your fathers so Ima teach you respect-

My mom continues to rant but I tune her out, it's just more of the same shit about respecting my step father which I do, I just don't see him as a fatherly figure for me so I don't call him anything like that

"Are you even listening Zayn? Zayn Armani!" My mom shouts causing me to look at her

"See this is why we have issues, you never can just be cooperative or listen, your just like your damn dad, always doin shît to piss me off" My mom rants again but I still don't engage

"Are you finna respond or are you gonna continuing being a disappointment" She says and I chuckle bitterly before walking upstairs calmly, her words don't bother me no more and I simply can't get angry about it nor argue

It's her opinion, it's wrong but what can I do about it?

I hear my mother calling me but I ignore her and put my bag on my bed before going to my closet

I hear my mother calling me but I ignore her and put my bag on my bed before going to my closet

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Zayn's room at her moms house^^^

"Zayn didn't you hear me calling you" My mother says barging into my room, I hold back some attitude before looking at her clearly annoyed and unamused

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