Chapter Six: Game Day

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Long ass chapter, sorry

Zayn's POV

I smile dreamily as I walk into the house I share with my father, I close the door and lock it before leaning against it and letting out a small laugh as my heart flutters

Bree and I had so much fun playing bored games, watching movies together, playing childish games like hide and go seek, haven't felt like a child in a while

Haven't felt that carefree in a while

"You have fun" I hear causing me to look over and see my father sitting in the living room drinking out of his favorite glass, his black button up slightly unbuttoned and his black dress pants being creased a bit since his legs are crossed

His hair being in its usual fro style with the pure white streak in his hair showing in all its glory

"Yea, I'm guessing mom called you and told you what happened" I say as I walk closer to him as he looks at me curiously and puts his glass down before standing up

"Yes she did, you shouldn't have done that Zayn, you know I don't tolerate that bullshit with ya mom, she was worried and just because I have different opinions don't mean she's the villain, we have to work on your feelings towards your mother and your anger in general" He says sternly causing me to nod in understanding

"And you have your hat off when you know you have to keep it on at all times when out your out the house" He adds as he runs his hand over my head, making my curls fall back before hitting my forehead once again

"I know Dad, first I wanna say it's hard to be civil when she's been nothing but critical and getting into my business knowing she's just gonna say something slick, she got disrespectful first and you know half of our arguments are her getting disrespectful first" I explain causing him to sigh heavily while pinching the bridge of his nose

"She's always gon have something to say, you gotta ignore her and if she got a problem then you know where you live and where Zed lives but I don't tolerate that aggressive shit when your mad, you take it out healthily not by break nothin" He says and I nod

"Your right, I'll apologize to her tomorrow, I can't talk to her now or I'll have an attitude" I say and my dad nods

"Where is all this anger comin from, you wasn't actin like this before" My Dad asks as he crosses his arms and I shrug

"I don't know what's going on, it been weird like I've been getting mad really quickly when I feel threatened or someone I care about is in some sort of distress" i explain, my dad makes a face causing me to look at him more curiously

"Ok, now explain your hat being off" He says changing the subject

"I'm sorry about the hat, we were in the woods alone so I thought it was safe" I say with a sigh

"Ok, if it was only y'all then that's fine but always, always wear it when your around adult humans and Zombies" Dad says sternly and I nod, his piercing eyes pointed at me

"I will Dad" I reply the same way I've responded the other times he's insisted this

"Your mother also told me that you had teeth come out of your mouth like fangs while you were yelling and your eyes changed colors" My father states as he observes me slightly and I nod

"Yea, I don't know where that came from either, do you know because all of this keeps coming day by day at this point and is all this another different thing about me that I have to worry about" I say feeling annoyed

"Uh, it could be but we need to do some things to help with that anger first, follow me" He says and I frown my eyebrows at him as I watch him walk past

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