Chapter Four: Protective?

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Zayn's POV

Zed and I walk out of the principals office excitedly as we just cut a deal with the principal that gave Zombies major progress

"Bro I can't believe we got the principal to agree to let zombies eat in the cafeteria" I say excitedly as I text my dad about the football stuff

"I know and we definitely can turn this team around but we have to bond with the team" Zed says and I groan as I remember that part

Our damn teams mates

"Damn I forgot about that part but we got this and a spot in the cafeteria" I say before smiling at Zed again, he smiles back as we both turn towards each other

We do our handshake before rushing down the hallway to tell the rest of the zombies the good news

Time skip

Zed, Eliza and I get our lunch and sit at our table excitedly as one of our other zombie friends starts juggling apples and talking excitedly

I smile and watch him with Zed but suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder causing me to look over and see Eliza giving me an exasperated look

"Mom called me from the school office, she said she wants you to spend the night at the house" Eliza says causing me to roll my eyes

"Well that's up to my dad and I have a date so I won't be back until later anyway" I say casually and Eliza huffs

"You mean with the cheerleader that's staring at you right now" She says causing me to turn around, I see Bree and Addison staring at us

I smile and wave to Bree who blushes and waves back before turning away shyly, I feel a blush come up on my face as I stare at her

She's so beautiful, I need her to be my girl already

"You are smiling like a mad man, you must really like her" Eliza says as she looks at me skeptically

"Yea, she's amazing and I see this going far like years, marriage even" I say without thinking and breaking my gaze from Bree who is talking to Addison, her gleeful smile plastered in her face as Addison tells a joke

"It's been like a few days since y'all met" Eliza says confused, I just sigh and smile dreamily at Bree as she and Addison talk

"A few days is all it took for her to steal my heart" I say dramatically , I hear Eliza let out a "oh brother" before eating her food

"Addison" Zed yells causing me to get out of my trance, I watch as Addison coming over looking a little nervous as people start to stare

"Ima go over to Bree" I say and before Eliza can reach me, I'm already up and walking past Addison, giving her a brief hug as I do

I keep my eyes on Bree as I walk confidently towards her before I take a seat in the chair next to her

"Hey beautiful, we still on for our date" I say and she smiles but before she can say anything, a cheerleader comes up to us and looks at me with a glare while her little pose walks up next to her and eyes me disgustedly

"Bree darling, what are you doing with this....zombie" The cheerleader says causing me to glare at her back

"I-im just talking to her, she's actually really sweet and we have a date tonight" Bree says nervously but the cheerleader isn't having it

"Bree, you'll be more of a loser in minutes if your caught dead with her or you'll be dead if you hang out with her" The cheerleader says causing me to stand up and stand in between the girl and Bree

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