Chapter Two: Zombie sight

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Zayn's POV

I run my hands through my green hair as I walk out of the zombie safe room with Zed, that was close and thank god we weren't found but seeing Addison made me think of the girl from this morning

She's causing a deep feeling of joy and a strong urge to have her close and never let her go, makes me feel like a creep but it's not in a creepy way

"I saw how you looked at that Addison, you like her don't you" I say teasingly as I put my black beanie back on, Zed pushes me playfully as he rolls his eyes

"She's cute alright, I don't know if she'll go out with me though" He says and I give him a sad smile and put my hand on his shoulder as we walk through the hallway undetected this time

Later on

I stand next to Zed as the coach of the football team tells us about how the team sucks which honestly is kinda funny and a great opportunity for us

My Dad and I played in the woods all the time as a way to bond, I was too young to learn how to fight with him and Zombie town never offered classes

"And I may lose my job but good news for you, you all made the team Whoopi" The coach says unenthusiastically, Zed and I to cheer and high five each other as the coach approaches us

"Hell yea, we finna tear this season up!" I say excitedly as we look towards the coach

"Except for the zombies" He says causing Zed and i to look at him confused

"What!" Zed and I say at the same time

"Principal Lee said you guys shouldn't even leave the basement, she didn't tell you?" He asks causing Zed and i to look at each other before looking back at the coach

"No" We both says unconvincingly, he gives us a look and we both fold causing the Coach to sigh and rub his head

"Come on just let us be on the team" Zed says in desperation

"Can't have zombies on the field, we'll look like a laughingstock and besides I'm no trailblazer, I'm more of a follower, actually I'm not really good at that" He says causing me to roll my eyes and walk off

Zed follows me off the field as we both hang our heads in defeat

Time skip

"Football's stupid anyway" My sister says causing Zed and I to roll our eyes, I adjust my beanie as it starts to slip off

Ever since I was a kid and especially since we started at this school, my dad has been on me about wearing my hat to cover my hair and I don't understand why it's such a big deal but I just listen

"Thanks for the pep talk sis" I say sarcastically as we walk out of our "classroom" down the hall of the basement

"I mean there's not actually reason why we can't play, they just don't want us too" Zed says rants sadly

"I agree, I gave this school a chance now I'm ready to leave and be homeschooled so I'll see y'all in ZombieTown" I say as I go to walk toward an exit but Eliza pulls me back

"No, your staying" She says and I huff

"You know I think that cheerleader likes me" Zed says and I chuckle a bit as my mind goes back to that beautiful girl I saw, I smile to myself as my body starts to feel fuzzy all over and my heart pounds once again

"Ya think, she was giddy the whole time you guys were talkin" I say causing Zed to smile

"The one that punched you in the face, right?" Eliza says as we go up the stairs

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