Days of 'Training'

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-(Y/n)'s P.O.V-



I literally jumped out of bed and almost landed on the floor of my room.


"We gotta get going! I have to take you with me on my next few deliveries for the extra weight!"

I rolled my eyes and stood up. Walking over to my dresser, taking out my (f/c) and (s/f/c) striped long shirt. I shook my head as I continued to listen to Giulia ramble about how we're going to be beating Ercole this year.

"Okay, okay... Calm down a bit... I know you want it, I want it just as bad. But we have to get the money to sign up, then we gotta sign up for the race."

She nodded as she walked out of my room and went to her room to change. Even though we saw each other change and we saw each other naked when we were younger, we didn't want to disrespect each others privacy.

I took out my (f/c) hat that Papa gave me and put it on. I quickly made my way downstairs and got my sandals on.

"Buongiorno papa!"

"Buongiorno (Y/n)."

I quickly kissed his cheek as I ran out the back door to get the cart of fish tied to Giulia's bike.

"WOOO! Let's go!"

Giulia jumped down from her tree house and landed on my back. The impact made me yelp in surprise and pain.

"Care signore, Giulia. What did I say about doing that?!"

She hopped off my back and laughed at me before getting onto the bike. Papa came out with two lunch bags in his hand.

"Here you go ragazze."

He handed me the bags as I got onto the cart right behind Giulia.

"Grazie Papa!"

Giulia and I yelled as Giulia biked out of the back gate and started our deliveries.

"So, we need to talk strategies for this year... We both still agree that you're not allowed to swim, and you aren't that well at biking yet..."

I hummed as I thought.

"Why not have you swim, and I'll eat. That way, you'll have time to get changed and get ready on the bike!"

"Oh mio Dio! Si! That'll work perfectly!"

Giulia and I started to laugh and continued to talk about how we're going to do the race this year.

-that night-

I walked with Giulia to the tree house. We watched as two men went out to check the nets near the old abandoned island.

"I feel bad for those two... They have to do this in the middle of the night."

"Yeah... It really sucks that you can't swim with me for that part..."

"Hey! At least when I'm in the boat, I'll be training for when Papa has me working the boat!"


Giulia and I laid down on our backs and looked up at the stars.

"I still can't believe the entire point of you being adopted by Papa was because neither of your parents wanted you... Do you even remember anything about them?"

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