Mom (2)

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*you'll be wearing what mama Midoriya uses. A pink long sleeve sweater with a white botton up shirt underneath and a semi skin tight blue skirt. Its an office skirt no?

(Y/n) pov
I was making dinner for tonight. I had all the ingredients ready.   Soon I felt small hands grab the end of my skirt. I looked down to see fluffy green hair and a big smile , his emeralds green eyes shined bright.  In his hand he held an All Might action figure. 

"Mommy its time. Come on come on " My child said as he slightly tried to pull me I held my hand under my chin and looked like I was deep in thought. I hum to myself.

"My my Zuzu. Its time for what? I said in a teasing tone as I stare at his face that morph from happy to shock. He now clutch his little hands on my pink sweater and gave me a slight pout.

"Mama its computer time. How can you forget?" Izuku whined slightly I gave a slight chuckled as I bend down to carry him. He wrap his tiny chubby hands around my neck as he snuggles on my cheek. I made my way to his room.

" Now I remember my little hero"   I nuzzle my nose on his cheek making him giggle. I pouted at him. " I don't know why you want to watch it again ." I enter his room and sat him on the chair. He swung himself back and fort smiling so widely. " Im pretty sure you added the thousands views all by yourself Izuku."

I found the video and turn to face him. " You sure are brave." I petted his fluffy curls. " I can't watch this without felling scared Zu , my brave little man. "

"Yea yea heroes have to be brave And not fear a thing." Izuku stood up on the chair slightly bouncing on his toes.  I hold the chair still so he doesn't fall. He stares at me with his big eyes and smiles brightly at me.  " Ill protect you mama, ill be a strong hero with a strong quirk to protect you just like All Might does with everyone. " I smiled at him as I kiss his cheek. 

" I know you will. You'll be the best hero out there, And even if you feel scare just know that ill always be by your side " I petted his hair and walked out the door not before looking at him again.

"Ill call you for dinner my little hero. "  Izuku faced me and pouted at me.

"Mommy im a big hero" He slightly whined and I laugh.  " yes yes my big hero.  "

With that I left to make dinner hearing All Might's voice come from the screen.

I sigh as I prepared dinner.

Time skip
  I was finish with dinner and as I was about to call Izuku he came running down the stairs and leaped toward my arms.

"Wow there little guy. " I fix my hands to carry him correctly as he snuggled on my neck. " Dinners ready are you hungry " ?
"Yup " Izuku said his voice slightly muffled by my sweater. I carried him the rest of the way to the kitchen and sat him down.

I fix him a plate and placed it infront of him. " We are having pork cutlet. Careful its hot , Zuzu."

He nodded. " Thank you mommy " he soon started to blow on the spoon and ate. As I was about to start eating the phone rang. I  went to pick it up.

"Hello ? " I answered. Soon I hear a sigh in relife.

" (Y/n) , in glad you pick up. "

" A Doctor Black Jack.  What a pleasant surprise what can I help you with?"

" I know its your day of tomorrow but can you come by my House and help me with a client. " I looked at Izuku as he ate and slightly nodded. 

" Will it be ok if Izuku comes with?. Mitzuki is busy so she can't take care of him for me. "

"Its fine Pinoko can use a play mate as well for the time being.  So will that be a yes?

" Yes it will. Thank you Doctor ill see you tomorrow then."

"Yes of course see you tomorrow. Bye"

"Bye" With that I hung up and sat down to eat. Izuku stared at me .

"Who was that mom?

" Oh it was Doctor Black Jack he wanted me to head to his house for tomorrow to help him with a client sweetie.  "  I said as I ate my food.  Then Izuku plays with his food.  "What's wrong? "

"So does that mean your not being home with me ?" He whispered slightly as little tears appear in his eyes. I panic slightly. 

"Non no no sweetie,  your coming with me to see him you'll be playing with Pinoko and once we finish you and I can do whatever you want. " I said as I move my hands around as I tried to calm him down. He sniffed a bit. 

" Whatever I want ? "

" Yup"

"Yay" I laugh as little as he started to eat again I smiled and ruffled his hair. 

Once we where finish. Izuku pick up the plates and step on the stewl and put them in the sink. I faced him. 

" Can you go brush Your theeth's and put on your pjs ill be right up to tuck you in ,ok zu. " He nodded and ran up stairs. I smiled as I clean our plates.  Soon as I finish I went upstairs to see Izuku have trouble with his All Might shirt. I giggle a bit as I walk towards  him and kneel infront to pull down his shirt. His fluffy hair puff and his eyes shined.  I pick him up and twirl him around he laugh as he snuggled near my hair.  I soon fell on his bed with him onto of me as we laugh.

He laid on top of me as I played with his hair. He looked at me as he poked my freckles with his chubby fingers. Soon I lure him to sleep.

"....I mommy " with that he snoozed away.  I got him off me as I put his All Might decorated blankets on him and handed him his All Might plushy which he snuggled to.  I bend down and move some of his hair of his forehead.

"Good night Izuku. I love you too" I kissed his forehead and left his room quietly and got ready for bed.  Tomorrow is a big day.

Mother Midoriya [ (Y/n) Midoriya x Hero/Villains ]Where stories live. Discover now