Adoption papers (11)

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"Are we there yet?" Ask Izuku to his mother as he sees the buildings pass by. (Y/n) only shakes her head. 

"Nope just a bit more further Zu" Izuku then stared at Tomura as he then grab his hand shocking him slightly as Tomura pulled away fast and clench his hand.

" What was that for Zu!!?!?" Tomura yelled slightly in fear as he held his own hand tightly. Izuku just stared in confusion. 

" You have a quirk right u saw you use if as you try to help mom. It started to crumble the wall right?  " Izuku question.  Tomura just stared in shock.

"Can you crumble anything else ?" Tomura just sigh and nodded .

"My quirk is a villains quirk I can decay well destroy anything I touch when I put all five finger pads on it "  Tomura stated sadly.  He then felt Izuku hold his hand and gave it a small slap.

"Negative bye bye " Izuku said."You can save people that are under things big brother you try to save mom so you can be a hero. Mama said theirs no such thing as bad evil quirks just people who are bad. "  Izuku then smiled at him.

" you are a good person you'll could be a hero. " Tomura smiled at Izuku as (Y/n) clench the steering wheel. 

" My babies are so adorable Gah "  (Y/n) fangirled as she drives. Tomura pets Izuku's fluffy hair. 

"Thanks ...... But I don't what to be a hero Zu I want to be with mom and protect her. Being a hero isn't for me. "

Izuku pouted and tried to understand his reasoning but couldn't.  " Fine ill be a number one hero once I get My quirk  and protect you and mama "

"You do you little man."

Then the car came to a stop. As (Y/n) unbuckled her seat belt. "Alrighty we are here"

"Yay " Izuku yelled our as Tomura help him unbuckle he then unbuckled himself as they all got out of the car and walked towards the building. Izuku on one side of (Y/n) and Tomura on the other side.

They entered the building to see a tall woman maybe about  6'2 feet.  She wore black dress pants and a white dress shirt that was under a vage tinted vest.  She also wore white heals giving her more of a height bonus.  Blond short hair swept to the side slightly covering one of her dark green narrow eyes. A beauty mark below her lip that where tinted a slight red. Her ears where filled with piercing. She smiled as she saw the smaller female.

"(Y/n) its good to see you again " She stated as she hug the smaller female making her suffocate slightly her voice was strong but held a tender sound. A strong but slowed melody.

"Mia good to see you as well. How you been love ?" Mia said as she smiled at the smaller female. 
"I been good I have Izuku and Tomura so im living a good life. " (Y/n) said as she smiled.  Tomura hid slightly behing (Y/n) and Izuku jumped at the taller woman. Hugging her leg since he couldn't reach her waist.  Mia soon carried him making him squeal at the height.

"Good to see you again Zuzu. How you been kid. ? " Izuku smiled at the taller woman. 

"I been good, mama gave me an older brother too " Izuku said as he pointed at Tomura who hid deeper behind (Y/n) making her chuckle sighlty. "Oh and mama ended up in a battle with a bad guy yesterday. " That made (Y/n) shut up. As she tremble in fear as Mia snap her neck towards her direction as a vain pop from her neck and forehead. She gave a very twitchy smile as she sets down Izuku down.

"Izuku can you please take your older brother to the waiting room I think  there is some cool pictures books you can see. " Mia said in such a fake happy voice that Izuku didn't notice but Tomura did as Izuku drag him away. 

(Y/n) tried to escape but as the door close shut she felt her sweater being held by a collar. As she felt a dark aura behind her. (Y/n) shivered in fear. As Mia voice became cold soon (Y/n) feels herself get pulled in a choke hold as her head was being squish.

"I knew that child who called her momma sounded familiar.  What in the seven circles of hell where you thinking.  You could of died you dam idiot , and you dident bother to tell me!!" Mia yelled outs as her horns and tail pop out as she continue to clobber (Y/n).

(Y/n) struggled out of her grip as she clawed Ma's arms. "Cause I knew you'll act like this if I told you you dam worry wart. Now let me go." (Y/n) soon kick Mia off her sending her a bit back only for Mia to grab her leg.  But (Y/n) used that as a boost to jump towards Mia's neck And slightly chock her with her thighs.

Mia tap (Y/n)'s thigh tapping out on there small fight.  (Y/n) sigh as she got down the taller female. Later both females regain there conpulshior and calmed down. 

"You're telling me what happen " Mia ordered as she fix her hair. (Y/n) put her hands on her hips and lean forward a bit and gave a slight smirk.

"You saw the news you know what happen " Mia let out a low growl.  As she glared at the small female.

"You know what I mean " (Y/n) sigh as she fix her hair as well. 

"Fine get the paper work first and ill tell ya what happen once I finish signing and telling you what happen will bring Tomyra to your office and if he wants he can sigh the papers. Deal. "

"Deal you better not leave any details left out got it. " Mia threaten slightly. 

"Got it "

Mother Midoriya [ (Y/n) Midoriya x Hero/Villains ]Where stories live. Discover now