Hero (9)

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With the boys double/ nobody's pov

" MOMMY " We screamed as the wall crumbled on the exit we got thrown out of. The bags on the floor surrounded us. 

Izuku and I ran toward the wall only to be held back by some type of rope...bandaged ... Scarf?thing. 

"Stop struggling kids.  There's a villain up ahead. " the voice said.  It belong to someone all in black with long black un tamed  messy hair. Yellow goggles covering his red eyes slightly.  He looked like a hobo.

Izuku started to cry. I tried to calm him down but I was worried to.  Mum was still inside with that gross person. I started to panic as well. 

"Zu calm down please mom will be ok " I whipsred as I hug the fluff ball. "I hope "

"Who else was with you kid ? " the man said.  I glared at him I didn't like him at all he looked like a homeless man.

Zuzu then face the man as tears stream out of his eyes.  "Momma is still in there with a evil man.  " he whimper slightly. 
The man curse under his breath. Soon we heard a bang. I whip head back towards the exit and push Izuku towards the man.

"Bad decision, but screw it I got to help mum "  I ran towards the exit as I took off my gloves

"KID WAIT !!! " The man yelled out for me but I ignore it  and put my hands on the crumbled wall as I tried to disintegrate/  decay it. 

"Dam kid " The man mumbled under his breath as he held the green bean.  He called for back up as he ran towards the blue child.

Back inside

(Y/n) pov sort of

The man in front of me was All Might.  He glared at the man then stared at me slightly. Soon black whips launch themselfs at him but he doge each and every one of them.  He soon grab them pulled the man towards him and wrapped him in it he threw him through the wall making a hole.

I was about to get up but soon cement blocks and pipes came down.  I tried to doge only to be grab by the waist and pulled away.  We moved and doge out of the way.  Dust covered the whole place as I cough and wave my hands around my eyes slightly burn due to the dust. 

Large muscular arms wrap around me as I semi sat on the persons lap.  Compared to them I was to small I was being presses on his hard chest soon open my eyes slightly and stared in dazes at his blue ones.  He gave me a worried glance.

"Are you alright miss ? , im sorry I had to grab you.  "  My cheeks slightly flushed red. 

"This is so embarrassing. The number one hero has me in his arms. God dam it im small compared to him like jesus the fuck. " 

"Miss? " My train of thought came to and end but I was still malfunctioning. 

"Gi..give me a minute. " I was still red as he stood up. "Im still in his arms sir put me down my heart can't take it. "

"Are you alright.? " he ask again in a soft tone.

"Yea .... Yea im alright " I mumbled as I looked away. He walked toward the hole in the wall that he made with the now unconscious man. He chuckled slightly as he looked down at me. 
"Good. I wouldn't want a lovely lady like you to get hurt. " He said as he walked  through and over the wall and unconscious man. I was about to respond but.....

"MOMMY" My children cried in relief.  As they ran towards me Izuku getting out of a dark hair males grasp. I did he same slightly tumbling forward due to the height difference.  I ran towards my children and hug them close as  there tears where slightly damping  my pink sweater. I petted there hair and tried to clan them down a bit.

Mother Midoriya [ (Y/n) Midoriya x Hero/Villains ]Where stories live. Discover now