The convention (part 2)

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(No Midoriya family content  only 3 love interest also i did not re -read this to se for errors most likely wont re edit it im too tired but i wanted you guys to have  another chapter do to me not writhing for a long time. Enjoy )

Loud chears of people welcomed us when we entered the convention. Izuku was jumping up and down in exitement as Tomuras was slightly amaze. There where tons of cosplayers and the real deal of heros.

"Wow" all three of them said in amazed as they saw everything. What they didn't know was that a few certain heros saw them.

With the people
"AYO!!!! Shota is in that that woman who ran out of Toshis arms to run for her children. " A yellow cockatail semi scream out getting smack in the head by a sleepy homeless person.

"Will you shut up. God your loud. " Aizawa said in a very tired tone making sure that she didn't hear the loud bird. But she didn't.

From the diatance you can see her carring the small broccoli one as it look like it was about to fall from all the movement and pointing he was doing while the blue hair one was just laughing as he held his moms hand.

Yamada let out a low whisle as he saw how strong she was.
"Hey do you really think All Might beaten up that Villan all does days ago ?

Aizawa just gave him a stare like if he was stupid or something.

"What makes you say that Hizashi? " He questions .

"Well the villan did look a bit beated to the pulp that only one punch from Yagi couldn't do. " Yamada answers. 

"She does look strong but I higly doubt she was capable of fighting a man way bigger than her. " Aizawa stated calmly as he stared at the (h/c) female who was smiling and laughing with her children when Tomura pops a All Mighy ballon infront of Izuku making Izuku trash around his mothers grip in a hissy fit. 

"I guess your right .......what me to get her phone number for you. " Yamada said giving a cheaky grin at his short companion. Only to recive another hit.

"Heh like she will ever do that. " Aizawa retorted. 

"Huh im a ladies man Shota baby all the ladies want me " Yamada brag as he struted his stuff.
Aizawa deadpalm at his friend.

"Yea ladies want you the same way I want to be awake. " Aizawa smirks.  As Yamada looks prideful. 

"Exactly" ....... "Wait"
" HEY!!! Thats rude. "

"The truth hurts doesn't it. " The two started bickering until a tall drop dead gorgeous woman showed up. All dress up in her very probacative hero costume her blue eyes narrow down at the two idiots  infront of her before kicking them with her heal boots. Making them tumble down. 

They where about to yell until they saw who it was.
"Nemuri babe whats up.? " Yamada question as he got up Aizawa just laid there before Yamada pick him up by the colar.
"You too are fighting and it was getting annoying. You two wouldn't mind telling me why don't ya " Nemuri said as her hands where place on her hips.

"Shota belives I cant get a girls number " Yamada defended himself as he stuck out his tongue out at Aizawa who only flip him off making him gasp out in shock droping him as he went over to Nemuri feeling insulted. 

"You cant " Aizawa retorded. And they went back to fighting again making Nemuri's eye twitch.  Before bonking them both on the head. 

"Both of you can't get a girls number ..... I can " Nemuri said as she smirks. 

"Bet " Yamada yelled out as he felt insulted at this accusation.  "Who ever gets that womans number wins. "

"No" Aizawa says as he was about to leave only for Yamada to hold him.

"Alright then , who's the woman? " Nemuri question as both Yamada and Aizawa pointed to were you where.  Nemuri followed there fingers to only see kids trying to get All Might ballons.

"I don't see anyone. "  That  makes them do a double take as they realize you where not there.

"Will find her and show her too you and then will start the bet. Deal. " Yamada said and Nemuri  agreed as they walked to find you dragging a vert piss of isomanic man who just accepted his fate knowing no amout of struggling can save him.

" But how does she look like ? " Nemuri question

"Shes shorter than you I think, (h/l) (h/c) hair Let down. Freckles on her face, nice (e/c) eyes. Wearing an Fat gum hoodie and she has- " Aizawa was cut off by Yamada blut response.

"Milf" That made Yamada recive a wack in the head"

"Milf?! " Nemuri question in shock. 
The two nodded in reply.
"Before I was rudely interupted by the loud bird. She has two children. One wich I belive is the youngest  has green hair and  freckles while the older one has blue hair and red eyes. "

Nemuri took this information as she stared at the two before her.

"You guys are interested im a woman that has not one but two kids ?! Since when did this happen !? " She ask in quite the shock.

"Met her slightly when there was a Villan at a store and All Might went to the rescue.  Found it funny that the moment her children showed up that she was already out of his arms and into the arms of her children. " Aizawa said as he remembers  what happen that day.

"Shota keep talking about her so i kinda wanted to meet her.  Thats when I realize I could be this mans wig man so ima be helping my man get a a woman. "

Nemuri nodded at this but at the same time.

" Huh any woman will love to be in All Mights big buffy arms. Ill help Aizawa but if shes a total babe I would be the one sweeping her off her feet. " Nemuri smirks as she licks her lips. Making Aizawa glare and Yamada to point at the woman.

" Nooo bad Nemuri bad. I want Aizawa not to be a single miserable middle age man with tons of cats for the rest of his life. He needa a girlfriend who will turn later on into his wife. He needs responsibility. "

"Im a hero "
"Hush "
"Will see~"
"Nemuri nooooooo"
"Nemuri yes ~"
"Someone kill me "

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