Stressful Days (Mexico x Stress out! Reader)

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Just letting you all know that I'm using both male and female pronunciation when Mexico speaks Spanish. I'm just letting you know now so those who can actually speak this beautiful language aren't confused. I want to try and keep this as gender neutral as I can so everyone can enjoy :) also! I just went into google translate and a few websites to double check things so sorry if I made any mistakes with any of the Spanish!

Notes: (f/c/f)= Favourite comfort food.


  It was supposed to be your Friday today, but of course Jeena had asked if you could take her shifts for the next 4 days. You had no problem helping your co-workers out, but the problem was:
  1. You had plans with your boyfriend.
  2. It's always when it's your Friday someone seems to need you to take their shift.
  3. You have worked since last Saturday! You've worked 9 days non stop. You needed a break.
You've already made plans and didn't want to cancel them again. You had promised Mexico yesterday that tomorrow you would spend the next two days with him since you haven't had the time to just relax together.
Before you even had the chance to let her know you where unable to take her shifts the manager had over heard the conversation. Pearl, the manager, was a bitch; she didn't like you and thought you where lying about your partner, change your shifts randomly, through you in uncomfortable situations and would always make you cover for other people.

So of course, being the noisy person she is jumped in and decided for you.
"Of course they can Jeena! I'm sure they don't have anything planned"
Clicking your tongue you looked at Pearl with a 'are you serious?' Look.
"Actually Pearl, I do. Sorry Jeena but I can't" you apologetically bow your head slightly, a habit you picked up from Japan when he kept coming over. Jeena was going to say something when she was interrupted by the brown haired woman "Nonsense!"
Pearl wrapping her arm around your shoulder squeezing your shoulder tightly.
"I bet you are just going to sit at home doing nothing right? That's your big plan? Or wait! Is it with that boyfriend of yours?"

This went on for a couple of minutes, Jeena and you becoming very uncomfortable and at the end- you ended up having to take Jeena's shifts (Only because Pearl had threatened to fire you.)

To make matters worst, the next day was not your day. You had woken up late, spilt coffee on your new shoes, gotten into a huge fight with Mexico, and nearly got into a car accident thanks to some idiot not using their turn signal.
Letting out a sigh you watched the clock tick as you stood at the cash register waiting for the shoppers to finish their shopping. Dark bags where under your eyes, you've been getting zero sleep thanks to this god awful job. What can you do though? You loved buying stuff online and supporting your favourite YouTuber's and other businesses.

Minutes felt like hours, the store you worked at was pretty empty today which was surprising, the only sounds you could hear was the quiet radio playing random pop songs, the wheels of a few squeaky carts, and kids playing around the store like it was a park. Resting your head on to the palm of your hand you leaned against your counter, wondering how you could apologize to Mexico. 'Maybe we could do a movie night? He likes movies... maybe a soap opera too! I think he likes those' as you where lost In thought a lady had walked up to the counter. You didn't notice her.
Maybe it was because you where focused on something else or because you where tired, you weren't sure, you just didn't notice her.

"Excuse me!"
Snapping out of your thoughts you looked over at the belt that pushed the Items towards the cashier. A middle aged woman with short (obviously dyed) blonde hair, dressed in a business casual glared down at you; her high heels giving her the height to do so.

"Oh I'm sorry ma'am, can I help you?" Placing a hand to your neck, you started rubbing at it out of nerves.
She scoffed "yes actually. I need YOU... to do your job. Okay? It's not that hard! Just scan my items" she rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone.
'Great... a Karen...'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2021 ⏰

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