Platonic Love (USSR x Platonic Reader)

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(If I may ask, is your tag name from an anime called Project K?)

Lazily you sat on the couch, switching through the channels in complete boredom. USSR had left to visit his son, meaning you where left home alone for a few days. Thankfully he was coming home today.
Yesterday you tried making (f/s), but ended up burning your hand and cutting it pretty bad. Hence why one of your hands was wrapped in a white gaze.

You've been living with Soviet for the past 2 months, it was nice honestly. He would usually cook and clean, but you would take over if he had more important things to do. You would make sure he didn't work himself to hard, and made sure he got enough sleep, the two of you acted more like father and daughter then friends. Thats why a lot of people don't even try to mess with you, they know that Soviet would kill them.
Soviet looks intimidating, ruthless and could kill a man in a heart beat but really, hes just a big teddy bear. Unless you get on his bad side, or if you annoy him to much.

As you continue to switch though the channels, the sound of keys unlocking the front door was heard. Instantly you perked up from your lazy posture on the couch, smiling happily as you watched Soviet walk through the door. "Welcome home!" You shout happily, as you hoped off the couch. The man who stood there turned to you, when Soviet saw the shorter girl standing in front of him, He smiled gently.
"Hello цветок(flower), how was you?"
You smiled at his broken English.

"I'm great! How was your visit?" You asked as you helped him take off his jacket, placing it on the coat rack that stood next to the door.
"It was good. How was- " before he could finish, he noticed something on your hand. A white gaze. He was all to familiar with those.
his hand went straight to his gazed wrists that hid all sorts of scars. Quickly, he took your hand into his "what happened?"

You where surprised at first, but smiled softly "its nothing, Soviet. I just got hurt when I was making-"
That was enough for the tall Russian to become concerned. "May I see?" He asked, interrupting you as he took you gently by the hand and walked into the kitchen. Sitting you down on one of the bar stools, he unwrapped the bandage carefully.
What he saw was a large cut on the back of your hand, a burn was placed over top of it. Looking like the burn had cauterized the wound fairly well, Seeing that it was clean and not infected. Soviet walked to the washroom and grabbed new gaze, walking back he rewrapped your hand.

"Next time, be more careful. Understood?" He sighed slightly, as he straightened his back. Smiling you nodded "I understand" hopping off the chair you glanced at the time. "Would you look at the time! Would you like me to make you some-" raising his hand to silence you, he smiled. "I'll make supper. Go relax"
Humming quietly, you hugged him.
"Thank you Soviet. Welcome home"

Spelling mistakes?
Most likely. If you do find any major spelling mistakes let me know!
Thank you all again for being so patient!

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