Lovers in War (America x Soldier!Reader)

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Set in World War 2


The feeling of the sun upon your skin was calming, the soft breeze that blew through your hair.
The loud motor of the tank you where seated on felt like a lullaby, You had been sent to France to help with the world war.
You had stormed the beaches of Dieppe along side your friends. Many of which where shot down my the nazis. Luckily you made it, and where now traveling with the rest of your platoon to help out a close by American Platoon thats on its way to Paris.
Though, you all had to ether walk, or travel by tank, Which isn't so bad. Most of the soldiers just chatted amongst themselves, well the rest just relaxed and enjoyed the scenery.

But that relaxation was shattered as the whistling of falling bombs sounded. "Get off the tanks!!" A young British man yelled, everyone started jumped off the tanks (and trying to get out of said tanks) as fast as they could, taking cover as the bomb collided with the metal war machine.
Exploding them like fireworks.

"Krauts up ahead!!" A middle aged man yelled, his name was Douglas but everyone called him 'Benny'.
Grabbing your M1918 BAR off the ground you ran forward, taking cover from the bullets that where shot at you.
"Now, Benny, me, Lacey, and (L/N) will take the left side! Hell roaring Jake, Babe, Fearless Freddy and Tucker take the right!" 'Batty Mac'(a Canadian soldier) demanded. With a nod everyone opened fired.

It took a while, but once the nazi's where ether shot dead or being tied up. Four tanks came rolling over the hills, it was the American platoon your platoon was going to meet.
"Well I'll be damed, its the G.I.s!" 'Babe' smiled, handing his partner a med kit. "G.I.s?" You asked, turning to 'Babe' and Tucker confusedly.
"Its what U.S Soldiers are often called, it stands for 'General Issue'" Tucker laughed, You couldn't help but let out a chuckle. These two have been your friends since you where placed into their platoon, Jacob also known as 'Babe' was a medic, he had light brown hair and emerald green eyes. He's pretty short, around 5"5'.
While Tucker was a sniper, he had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was tall, 6"4' tall.

There was some words passed on to the lead of the small American group, confirming that we where the right platoon. After that everyone continued on, piling up onto the Tanks. Some men where wounded durning the small match, but it seemed that 95% of the guys where in good shape. Both groups went to the Americans military camp, but this time instead of relaxing and chatting. Everyone was quiet and on high alert.
Glancing around you saw 'Babe' and Tucker close together, it seemed that the quietness made 'Babe' uncomfortable. In all honesty it was making you uncomfortable too, but you kept quiet. Clenching your gun as you slowly looked left and right, as your new platoon entered a dark forest.

After what felt like an eternity, the military camp came into view. Large green tents where scattered in rows, there was boxes and creates full of supplies around said tents, and Tanks moved to their designated areas. Once the tanks your small squad was on stopped, everyone hopped off, a man was waiting for your platoon. He looked like General, but you weren't sure. Hopping off of the tank you kept close to 'Babe' and Tucker "Welcome, my name is General Washington. I'm glad you could help us in this time of need" his voice was rough, and honestly kinda terrifying.
'Betty Mac' held his hand out to General Washington "I'm Betty Mac, we're always happy to help a brother in need" this Canadian soldier showed this General respect, but had no expression on his face as he said it.

General Washington nodded, taking 'Betty Mac's' hand and giving it a firm grip then let go a second later "follow me, I'll show you all to your bunks." Turning his back to the eight of you, he started walking looking back at the group to make sure you all where following.
With a quick wave of 'Betty Mac's' hand, everyone followed, as the group walked they where met with stares.
"Why are they staring at us?" You asked Tucker who was making sure 'Babe' was close by him "Not sure, its like they haven't seen any other humans before" he chuckled.
Before you could say anything else, a strange man came into view, his head looked like the American flag, he wore green camo pants, black boots, and a black tank top, He also was wearing a pair of sunglasses. He looked Handsome, strong, and brave.
He was talking with two people, both seemed to be ranked Private, like yourself.

"Holy shit-" Those words fell out of 'Benny's' mouth like bricks falling from the sky, the three of you looked at him "thats THE American Countryhuman" he mumbled in disbelief, trying his best not to be rude. "Whats a Countryhuman?" Lacey whispered to 'Benny' "their basically a humanized country, they also run said country their humanized off of" "Ooooh, so kinda like Hetalia?" Lacey blurted out
"What the hell is a Hetalia?" Benny responded, Lacey just waved his hand "never mind dude, it'll take to long to explain" the conversation ended there.

You didn't realize that you where staring at the man in complete awe (well your group slowly walked away from you), you only realize this when one of the men talking to the said Countryhuman pointed at you, making the man look at you in curiosity.
Your face felt hot, nervousness spiralled in your stomach so not even a second before he looked at you.
You fast walked and caught up with your group, lowing your helmet as you did.

Unnoticed by you, the Countryhuman continued staring at you, A light blush across his cheeks.

Its been about a few hours since you and your group arrived at the camp. You and Tucker where stationed for night watch, well 'Babe' was tending to the injured.
You two where seating down on some boxes and looking at the night sky -well you were, Tucker was using his sniper to look for any enemies- the area you where in was off to the side of the camp, hidden by green camo tin walls and (a small) roof.
A long wooden slab was placed at the bottom of this hide out to make sure the soldiers were well hidden within the fort (not sure if any of that made sense).

As you talked to him, instead of doing your job, you started talking about the strange Countryhuman. As the words spilled out of your mouth, Tucker just looked at you with a smug grin "I see you have a crush, Private (L/N)" he chuckled, turning back to do his job.
Feeling the embarrassment washed over your face like a heat wave you sat up "I do not!" You harshly whispered, he just chuckled and looked at you again.

"You can't lie to me (L/N), me and Jacob where the exact same. We met during boot camp, it was love at first sight-" Tucker had the look of a love struck puppy as he reminisced about the time him and 'Babe' first met.
You rolled your eyes at him as he continued to talk, recalling every detail that day. Looking away from Tucker, you saw the Countryhuman walking over to the two of you. Straightening up your posture and dusting yourself off you motioned for Tucker to stop, warning him about the American man making his way over.
Tucker didn't listen and continued on, He only silenced himself when the Countryhuman cleared his throat.
Both of you turned to the man, he wore the same thing he did this afternoon but had a large green coat on instead of just a shirt. Tucker and yourself were about to stand up to salute him, but he stopped both of you "Theres no need for that" he smiled.

With a nod the two of you sat back down "so what brings the all mighty Countryhuman to our humble tin look out?" Tucker said with a grin. Turning to him quickly you shot him a dirty look, but couldn't help a small snicker that made its way up your vocal cords.
"just wanted to see how roomy it would be if came over, man. You know how it be" the American laughed, taking a seat on a create that was on the side of the small tin wall "also wanted to see if your travel here was ok, I'm never really informed about new people being moved into my platoon"
He seemed so nice in your eyes, you wanted to tell him everything
But your nerves got the best of you, getting nervous and looking away from him. You wanted to talk, ya really did. Just your body wasn't allowing you.

"It was pretty ok, we got attacked by some krauts though, But other then that it was ok. I'm Tucker and this is my friend
(Y/n) (L/N)" Tucker grinned as he pointed to you then looked out the small opening to see if any Krauts were lurking about.
"Its nice to meet you both, the names America, if you two couldn't tell!" He chuckled.

You smiled at him as you held your hand out "Like wise, sir-" "please, just call me America" he smiled sweetly at you, taking your hand into his. A light blush made its way over your face, as you two shook hands. "Aright, America" you smiled.

Might make a second part to this, but I'm not sure...
what do you guys think?

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