Sunset (Canada x Depressed!Reader)

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It's been about a week now, you would lay in bed and play on your phone or play on your Playstation. You wouldn't eat or sleep, the only time you would leave your bedroom was to go to the washroom and shower, but that's it. You would scroll through Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and any other apps you had to pass the time.
Almost like clock work, Canada would text you and try to phone you asking if you wanted to go for a walk or go out to eat; but every time you would tell him you had a lot of work to do or that you weren't up to it today. You didn't mean to worry him, you just wanted to be alone that's why you stopped texting back. You grew too tired to answer your phone so you would just ignore the calls from your worried boyfriend. Unbeknownst to you, Canada had decided to go over to your house to check up on you after you stopped responding to him.
Canada was given a key to your house after a month of you two dating, so he could look after your fish you had at the time. So grabbing about 3 articles of clothing and two hoodies he packed a bag, making sure he had his toothbrush and deodorant, he was planning on staying with you until he knew you were okay. Leaving his house he Locked his door, Making his way to your house.
Since your house was in walking distance he just went for a lovely stroll. Sadly he couldn't enjoy it, he was too worried about you.

Not even 10 minutes later he stood in front of your front door. Ringing the doorbell he waited....
No answer. Ringing the doorbell again he waited... no answer. Quickly, Canada tired the doorknob of the house. His heart sank when it opened, you always lock your door when you where home alone. Walking into the dark house he closed the door, turning on the downstairs lights "(y/n)? Are you there?" he walked into the living room, looking around a little it was obvious you weren't there. Going upstairs he knock on your bedroom door "Maple? Are you there?" after about a minute of no answer he opened your door.
His bag dropped to the ground, you were lying on the floor face down, you didn't move. Running to your side he dropped to his knees "Oh my god, Maple!" picking you up Canada put his ear to your mouth, listening to see if you were breathing.
A sigh of relief escaped Canada's mouth as he felt your slow, relaxed breathing. Standing up with you in his arms he placed you in your bed, tucking you in he kissed your forehead. Looking around your room he sighed, knowing what was going on. Opening up the curtains in your room he popped open your windows to let some fresh air in. Picking up your clothes off the ground he started cleaning up, putting all the stray clothes on the ground in the hamper.
Taking the hamper out of the room he went to the laundry room which was downstairs.

About two hours later he had cleaned your room, done your laundry and started to make something light for dinner. You were still passed out in your bed, but after an hour Canada walked up stairs holding a tray of soup and a glass of water. Walking into your room he placed the tray on the bedside table "(y/n)? Time to get up, I made you something to eat" His voice was calm, as he gently shook you awake.
"Wha-?" you voice was groggy and horse, sitting up slowly you rubbed your eyes. Looking at the person who woke you "Canada? What are you.." you trailed off as he kissed your forehead "you wouldn't answer your phone... I got worried" before you could say anything else he took the bowl of soup off of the tray "Here, I made some soup for you" he smiled as he handed you the bowl. Carefully taking the bowl you stared at it, then looked back up at him. Placing the bowl back on the tray you threw your arms around Canada tackling him down to the bed. "Ma-Maple!?" he shouted in surprise, a large blush over taking his face. Snuggling your face into his chest, you started to cry. You where happy he had come to check up on you. You where happy he was here "thank you" you croaked through your tears "thank you so much" Canada looked at you worriedly, but smiled and held you close to him

"Anything for you (y/n), I'll always be here for you" making you look up at him, he kissed you on the lips, it was a long, passionate kiss. It was soft, gentle even. After you both pulled away for air, Canada hugged you tightly "Now will you eat?" he chuckled, you laughed and whipped away the rest of the tears "Okay okay, I'll eat now" After you ate most of your soup and drank some water, Canada had told you to go shower and get dressed. You argued with him, but it didn't take long until you gave up and agreed to have a shower.
Having a quick shower you got dressed into some jeans and a t-shirt, when you went downstairs the Canadian handed you one of his hoodies "We're going for a little stroll to watch the sunset okay?" Groaning you took his hoodie and threw it on, it smelled just like him the fresh scent of Pine and snow. A soft smile was placed on your face, as you pulled the fabric to your nose to surround your sense of smell to only Canada's scent .
You felt a hand on your wrist, then the motion of someone pulling you. Putting your shoes on, both you and Canada went off for a walk, hand in hand. You talked to one another until you made it to the beach, which wasn't very far from your house, as you two sat down on the bench Canada put his arm around you. No words where shared, just the loving moment of watching the sunset with the one you love.

Long story short, the sunset was beautiful and you enjoyed the walked with your loving boyfriend. For the next little while Canada stayed by your side, making you food, cleaning up the house and dragging you out of the house to get some fresh air once in a while.


Sorry if this isn't the best ^^;
if i messed something up, let me know so I can fix it!

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