Not so pleasant life

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Authors's Pov
It was a pleasant, bright morning. Birds chirping, cool breeze blowing, everything was smooth & silent. But this isn't what's always happening around you. You wondered why something annoying hadn't happened till now? And the moment you thought this. Bang! Your mother barged in your room and started shouting to wake you up.

Y/n's mother- wake up or you will be late for

You were sleeping nicely and soundly when you heard your mother shouting at you to wake you up. Without opening your eyes you said:

Y/n - Mom please let me sleep 5 more minutes .
Y/n's mother- Its already 8 in the morning
how much more you will sleep. I am not going to tolerate this drama anymore, you always get late to school and then tell me that why I didn't wake you up.

The moment your mother said that" its already 8 am", you flinched and looked at the clock in disbelief and it was really 8 am in the damn morning.( You did that because your mother always lied to you about the time in order to wake you up but, this time she wasn't lying)

You quickly got off your bed, and while getting up you hit your small toe to the nightstand and started jumping while massaging your leg, but managed to speak and told your mother while going to washroom that:

Y/n- why didn't you wake me up a little earlier, today is my first day at school and here I am already late for it.
Y/n's mother- As if I was not waking you up from 7 am already. If it was not for me to start waking you up 1 hour earlier you would have woken up at 9 am.

Your mother said this while being angry, you quickly shut your mouth because you knew if you'll tell one more thing, you would be scolded more, after all she is your mom. You quickly went to washroom, had a bath and did your morning routine. You did it as fast as possible but it was already 8:25 and your school starts at 8:30!

Yup this is you Y/n. A clumsy and lazy but, a creative and smart girl who always tops in school. You are the daughter of the two most wealthiest CEO's in the entire country. Today was the first day of your school, as the new session was going to start, class 12, the most important year of any students' life and here you are already late for it.

You quickly ran downstairs and as clumsy as you are, you slept a stair and was about to fall but held the railing and somehow saved yourself. You gave morning hugs to your mom and dad, and quickly bid them a goodbye and ran to the door.

Your school was not too far from your House. It was about 15 minutes from your house so you would walk yourself to school everyday but as it was already 8:25, you were late. As soon as you left your house your dad started laughing and your mom was worried about you.

Y/n's mother- This girl! I wonder if she will find someone who will take care of her like we are doing, otherwise we dont even know if she would survive in this world. Today only, she would have fallen down from stairs but stopped because of the railing. AND she didn't even had her breakfast! (your mother suddenly remembered it and gasped. She was more tensed now).
....... God had given her brain but she only applies it in her studies. If she would have applied atleast 1% of her brain in not being clumsy, she would have been perfect. (Your mother said all this while being annoyed and irritated from all the morning chaos).

Y/n's dad- Dont worry, she will definitely find someone who will take care of her like we are doing.(your dad said this while smiling)
Y/n's mother- hope so *sighing*
To be continued.........

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