Fear of losing you

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Author's pov
It started raining heavily and lightning was also there. You were a little sacred of lightning since childhood and, generally would not be able to sleep and, in that case your mother would comfort you.
As soon as you heard the loud sound of thunder, you quickly swept under the duvet and, covered yourself with it while covering your ears as well. Jin saw you and, at first he started laughing but, seeing you that much scared, he knew that it was something serious. So, he got on bed with you and comforted you.

Jin- Y/n calm down, lightning has gone now. Calm down okay.
Y/n- pl......e.....a....s.e......d....o....nt....le... ave....m....me. (you said while stuttering and being scared.)
Jin- shh....I am not going anywhere, calm down. Okay.

You just nodded at his statement. After sometime again, a very loud thunder occurred. You flinched and hugged jin tightly. He was shocked at first but, eventually he also hugged you and, comforted you. You felt safe and secure in his embrace. After few minutes your eyelids started getting heavier and you slept in jin's embrace, hugging him tightly like a koala. Jin chuckled a little at your cuteness but, stopped as soon as he noticed that you felt asleep. He started admiring your face but, a strand of your hair, blocked him from doing so. He slowly tucked it behind your ear and, again started admiring your face. He caressed your cheek from one of his hands and in his mind said:

Jin- why you have to be this much cute and  beautiful. Everytime I see you and, when I am near you my heart starts beating like crazy. I want to tell you about my feelings but, somewhere in my heart there, stays a fear that, you won't feel the same for me and, it would end up ruining our friendship. And, I don't want to ruin the beautiful frendship that we have. I will confess to you  someday, when I feel that it's the right time. But, not now.

After that jin started making you to lie down on bed, because you two were still in sitting position. But, you were not ready to leave him and, was hugging him like a koala hugs a tree. Jin finally gave up because, he didn't wanted to wake you up, since you were sleeping so soundly and peacefully. After sometime he also slept while, hugging you tightly.

And just like that, you two slept in each other's embrace, knowing that the other one will not leave you and will stay with you no matter what the situation. Because, that's how love is. You don't realise it when it hits you and, you start feeling butterflies in your stomach, when the person you love is near you.
      Not everyone in this world get's there true love, sometimes due to ego, sometimes due to fear of loosing someone, sometimes due to anger, sometimes due to attitude and many more problems but, you have to understand that love is something which is beyond all these. If you love someone you should tell him/her, before it's too late. I know it's easy to tell than to act but, still gather all courage that you have in yourself and confess to the other one. May be your relationship will not be the same as before but, trust me, it's infinite times better than regretting it afterwards.
But, think of positive possibilities like, may be the other person, is also feeling same towards you and, he/she is also not able to confess. It's better to do than to overthink about it. If you are scared that you may hurt the other one then, let me tell you, if you don't tell them about your feelings and, hide it from them, it's gonna hurt them even more.
     After telling all this to you, let me tell you one more thing. Always remember love is very beautiful and if you get it, don't let it go. JUST SPEAK YOURSELF 💜

Timeskip........(next morning)
Author's pov
You got up when the sun's rays hit your face. You first saw the clock and, it was 7:00 AM. Then, you felt something heavy around your waist, you saw that jin was still hugging you tightly. You now remembered, how you slept last night while hugging him. You looked up and saw his face, shining brightly in the sun's rays and thought to yourself that, he is indeed worldwide handsome, looking like an angel. Initially he started moving indicating that, he is also about to wake up. He opened his eyes and saw you, already staring at him. You two shared an eye lock but, it didn't lasted for long as, you broke it while, quickly jumping off the bed and running towards the washroom. When you got inside washroom, you were all red in embarrassment and facepalmed yourself.

Y/n- yahhhhh! Girl what have you done. He must be thinking what kind of creep I am. First, I slept while hugging him and, when he woke up I was staring at him like a creep!
No, this won't work I have to face him anyway in school. So, I will say sorry to him anyways.
          After that you took a good 30 min shower and got out, ready to face him!

Flashback.....(30 minutes ago)
Jin's pov
I woke up and saw that y/n was already awake, staring at me. I also can't resist the fact that, she was looking so beautiful; her eyes which was wide open, staring at me.
               We shared an eye lock, for a moment. Then, she suddenly jumped out of bed and ran towards the washroom. "Cute" I thought to myself and started smiling like an idiot. I waited for her, for about 20 minutes but, she didn't came out, I thought she must be feeling awkward about the situation. Since I was also getting late, I thought of going to my house but, how should I inform her about it? Then I saw a notebook and a pen lying on the nightstand. So, I got an idea!
            To be continued................

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