The saga of harmones

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Author's pov
You rang the doorbell again but, nobody opened it. You found it strange. You had spare keys with you, with that you opened the door and entered your house, only to be greeted with complete silence.
You quickly called your mother.

Y/n- Mom, where are you?
Y/n's mother- ooh! Dear you are home now? Actually me and your dad had to go away on a business trip. It was very important and urgent. We don't even know now, that after how many months we will come back.
Y/n- Mom, how could you do this to me. You just went away, without even telling me.
Y/n's mother- I am really sorry my child, I didn't even got the time to even tell you about this..
Y/n- Mom, you can't be serious right? You didn't even told me about your business trip, This means I will be all alone here for 1 month. And I don't even know when you people will come back!
Y/n's mother- I am really sorry my child, I can't do anything right now. Oh! Wait why don't you call sera to stay with you. Not for 1 month obviously, but you know for 1 week.
Y/n- what a great idea! First you didn't even told me about your business trip and now you are giving me ideas. GREAT!
Y/n's mother- Listen dear, I will talk to you later, I am very busy right now. Take care of yourself. This is not the first time we are leaving you alone. Okay. Bye.
Y/n- But........

Before you could say anything, your mother hung up the call.

Y/n- GREAT! I am all alone in this big house and on top of that I got my period today only, and it's hurting like hell! And nobody is there to take care of me. Why, why this has to happen to me only.

Your brain was not able to think and process anything. So, you decided to take a warm shower which will soothe your mind as well as your cramps.

After taking shower you lied down on your bed. Your cramps were worsening by each passing moment. Then suddenly, the idea which your mom gave you, hit you at that exact moment and you decided to call sera.

Sera- hello.
Y/n- hello, sera what happened your mood seems to be off. Did something happened?
Sera- Yah, y/n, the thing is, my mom is not well, and I am taking care of her. She is fine now but, still I am worried about her.
Y/n- oohh! I am sorry to hear about that.
Sera- It's okay. As I said she is fine now. By the way, why did you called me? Anything important?
Y/n- No, its not important, I just called you because I was bored.

Even though you pretended as if you are fine, sera somehow found out that you are not.(After all you are best friends for some reason.)

Sera- Y/n. Don't even dare to hide anything from me. Tell me what happened.

That was it. You couldn't control your harmones anymore now. And started crying. Sera started getting worried about you, and asked you what happened. You told het everything while sobbing. She was worried about you but, she also can't do anything because, she has to take care of her mom.

Sera- I am really sorry, Y/n. I can't come there right now to comfort you.
Y/n- Why are you sorry. I should be the one saying sorry to you. You are already worried  about your mother and, I made you worry about me now, as well.
Sera- Don't you dare say that again, I am your best friend, I should be the one, in best and worst of your times.
Y/n- Yah, yah, now stop your drama. You will make me cry even more now.
Sera- Hey! Wait I have an idea. Why don't you tell Jin, to come over to your house, like this you will not feel lonely and, he will comfort you as well. I mean he had become your friend, right? So you should ask him.
Y/n- NO WAY! I can't do that, I have already made him suffer too much.
Sera- y/n, you are unbelievable. Listen, just somehow try to move and, atleast take a painkiller, it would help you. Okay?
Y/n- Yah, I am also thinking that. Now, you should go and take care of aunty. I hope she will become healthy soon.
Sera- yah, I am going but, you also take care of yourself. Okay?
Y/n- yah, byeeeee
Sera- byeeeee
After that you hung up. You tried to move and take a painkiller but, all in vain. Your cramps were hitting you really hard.

After sometime a message popped up in your phone. You quickly took it to see who it was. You were shocked to see who it was! It was jin! He was asking you, if you were fine. And after that whatever happened, the credit goes to your harmones. Your chat went like this:

Jin- hey, I was wondering if, you are fine or not?
Y/n- yah, I am on my period and, it's my first day to be more precised, cramps are hitting me like boxers, then how would I be? Fine. Right?
Jin- Okay.....I would assume that you are not. Isn't you mom there?
Y/n- No, she is not there. She with dad had gone to a business trip. And I am all alone in this house, I am feeling like dying.
Jin- No one is there with you?!
Y/n- how many times, do I have to tell you that I am ALL ALONE! Listen, right now I don't want to talk to anyone. Okay. Just leave me alone.

After that Jin went offline, without even telling you anything. You also didn't thought about it for a second time and, decided to sleep.
After 30 minutes of you, rolling on your bed from left to right, not able to sleep, you got up on hearing a knock on your window. At first you ignored it, thinking that you might be hallucinating but, then you heard it again. You decided to open and see what it is. After you saw what it was, you were shocked!
          To be continued................

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