Chapter Two: It's Becca Baby!

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  Becca’s P.O.V.

  Second Period

    Mitosis. Mitosis. What the fuck are we learning Mitosis for? I learned this stuff years ago. This is so simple my nieces could do this. In their sleep. And they’re all small children.

    I sighed as my leg bounced up and down nervously as I struggled to pay attention.

  “Does he ever just…. Stop talking?” I whispered to my new lab partner, Kole.

  “Sadly, no. He just… Talks for hours.”

  Carter and Kane were two tables ahead of me, so there was no way to annoy them unless Bimbo and Bambi in front of me were gone. This school was so much bigger than my last school. We had about two thousand kids throughout the entire district, and here there were about ten thousand just in high school. But because it was bigger, that meant there were:

A)     More boys

B)      More drama

C)      More bitches

D)     Bimbos as far as the eye could see

   As for the bimbos, they literally wear more makeup than they do clothes, and it’s the middle of January.

  “So are you part of the…. Whateverthefucknametheydecidedon Club?”

  “You mean the one made up of 15 boys? Yeah. I’m what they like to call the ‘romantic’ one.”

  “Was that your way of flirting? Because one, that sucked. And two, I have a boyfriend.”

  “Was that your way of insulting me? Because one it sucked. And two, I have a girlfriend.”

   “Really? Does she go to school here?”

   “No, she goes to St. Maynards down town. It’s an all-girls Catholic school. Does your boyfriend go to school here?”

  “No. He lives in Canada, and I frankly don’t have a clue where he goes to school.”


  “Shut up pretty boy.”

  “Did you just call me pretty?”

  “No, I called you a pretty boy. Get your facts straight.”

  “Well… I am pretty.”

  “Will you please quit flattering yourself?” Elijah said from behind us.

  “What? Are you actually paying attention, Elijah?”

  “No, Rebecca, I was just tired of Kole over here with his big head getting in my way.”

  “It’s Becca.”

  “It’s Eli.”



  “Aw, you two are cute.”

  “Shut up Kole!” we said in sync.

  “Anyways… What’s the poor boy’s name?” I raised an eyebrow. “Your boyfriend?”

  “Oh. His name is Drake. Drake Lance.”


  “And the poor soul dating you?”


  “Doesn’t sound Catholic.”

  “She’s Italian. She has to go to Catholic school because she got caught—never mind.”

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