Chapter Four: Becca The Brave

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Becca’s P.O.V.

Seventh Period

  “Pour the oil into the skillet, carefully,” Mrs. Gleam, my seventh period commercial cooking teacher said. We were making something French, which the name was way too complicated to try to understand.

  I loved cooking, and it turns out I was really good at it. I made food for Delilah forever while we lived to where our parents weren’t really taking the best care of us.

  “So, how do you like it here?” Masen asked, pouring the oil in.

 Ever, Carter, Masen, Nico, Eli, Jimmy and Jackie were all in this class too, so they were fighting over who got to be my partner. Masen ended up winning, because he didn’t have a partner already, and the teacher found it fair.

  “I didn’t think it was possible for a school to be so… entertaining. I never thought I would like it here, because well, it’s a school, but I really love this place.”

  “Well that’s always good.”

  The teacher was spouting instructions, and I kept up easily. We had finally finished the… French thing, and we plated them. Mine and Masen’s came out flawless, Ever and Carter’s came out pretty awesome too, Jackie and Eli’s didn’t look the best, but tasted amazing, and Nico’s solo plate was just sorta… There.

  “You okay Nico?”

  “My plate sucks!”

  “I’d argue, but the rice is falling off.”

  “Ugh. I’m not very good at this.”

  “Hey, don’t say that. You might not be very good, but you’d do better with help. This is a two person assignment after all. Here, if you move the chicken thing this way, and your rice to this side…. And now just put some parsley on top, and now how does it look?”

  “How’d you DO that?!”

  “I’m good,” I said with a wink. I walked back to Masen at our station, and he just smiled.

  “That was really nice of you.”

  “I’m a nice person.”

  “NICE?! I beg to differ!” Eli said, turning around. “The first time I saw you, you had some boy pressed up to the top of the bleachers in a death sentence for calling you Becky!”

  “He earned that!” I protested.


  I rolled my eyes and slung my messenger bag over my shoulder and turned towards the door, just as the bell rang. I headed out the door, followed by the other six boys. Delilah came out of the music room followed by eight boys with paint splattered all over them.

  “Okay, I thought you were in music…. Why is there paint everywhere?”

  “We played a game where you have to like, identify the note, and throw a dart at the correct balloon,” Lilah explained.

  “It got messy when Lil Dee decided to be a rebel,” Blake said, slinging his arm over her shoulders and messing with her hair.

  “Hey! I didn’t even do it!” she said, laughing.

  “I have no clue what’s going on,” I said laughing.

  “Love birds,” Kane and Katt said in sync.

  Blake hit them each in the arm, and they flinched.

  My phone buzzed once again, and my heart flinched as well. I took it from my pocket and switched it on. I stared down at the screen, which said I had a message from Draven. I squealed of excitement before my phone was ripped from my hands. Delilah smiled and jumped when she saw the notification.

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