Pokémon The Movie 3: Spell of the Unown

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In the region of Johto, there was a beautiful town called Greenfield. Greenfield was called that because green fields, with lots of flowers, were everywhere.

In the middle of Greenfield, there was a huge mansion owned by a man named Professor Spencer Hale.

Professor Hale was a Pokémon researcher, who studied about Legendary Pokémon like Mew and such. He lived in the mansion with his daughter Molly. His wife, Mrs Hale, disappeared two years ago, so he was taking care of her. A butler and three housemaids lived in the mansion as well and they looked after Molly too.

One night Professor Hale and Molly were reading a book together. "This book has pictures of Legendary Pokémon Molly," Professor Hale said, "and these pictures were done by artists, who imagined what they might have looked like."

Molly was looking at picture that had loads of pokemon that looked like letters of the alphabet. "This is the Pokémon that you're looking for right?" She asked her father.

"That's right," Professor Hale said, "these pokemon are called Unown, a psychic type Pokémon. I've been looking for it for quite a long time now."

The truth is, his wife was researching the Unown when she disappeared. So Professor Hale thought that maybe he could find his wife, if he studied them too.

Molly turned over the page of the book and saw a brown and red sort of dog. "There's Entei." She said.

Entei was one of the three Legendary Beasts of Johto, the other two were Suicune and Raikou.

"You like Entei don't you?"

"Yes I do because he reminds me of you Papa." Molly said.

Professor Hale began to roar like Entei and gave his daughter a piggy back ride.

Suddenly Professor Hale's computer told him that he had an email coming. "It's from Schuyler again like always." Molly sighed sadly.

Schuyler was a Pokémon researcher too and was Professor Hale's assistant and best friend. Molly knew that whenever Schuyler called, it meant her father would be leaving for his research again.

Schuyler told Professor Hale that he had found something at some desert ruins, which may be connected to Unown. After listening to Schuyler's email, Professor Hale told his daughter that he had to leave. "I'll miss you papa." Molly said.

"And I will miss you Molly." Professor Hale said. He picked up Molly and held gave her a hug. "I will be back as soon as I can," he said putting her to bed, "I love you. Just keep me close to your dreams."

After putting Molly to bed, he got ready to leave for the desert ruins. As soon as he shut Molly's bedroom door, Molly placed herself under the bed covers. She felt lonely without her parents around, even though the maids and butler were with her.


At the desert ruins, Schuyler led Professor Hale to a chamber that had a lot of writing on the walls. The letters were in fact written in the shape of the Unown. "Do you think these writings are about the Unown Professor?" Schuyler asked.

"We will see about that." Professor Hale said who was starting to take pictures of the writings on the wall.

At that moment Professor Hale noticed a brown box, and inside was some small square tiles that had pictures of the Unown on them. Professor picked a few tiles up to look at them, when suddenly some real Unown appeared. The looked at Professor Hale for a moment and then they sent him into their dimension full of Unown.

Schuyler noticed Professor Hale's disappearance and called out to him, but he couldn't find him. He did not know that Professor Hale was in the Unown's dimension.

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