Part 3 : senseless competition

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Brandr: Yes! It's the easiest way.

Neit: how?

Brandr: it's an unforgivable sin!

Akin: Why?

Brandr: A soul whose time of death is unexpected always goes to hell.

Akin: Is there another way?

Brandr: indeed there is, but it's lost.

Neit: What do you mean by losing?

Brandr: Imposior made a channel through his power by which he could travel through any dimension. He can go to hell, earth or heaven whenever he wants.

Neit: How?

Brandr: The 3 Rings of the Devil

Akin: What?

Brandr: whoever wears that ring can go anywhere he wants, in any dimension he likes.

Akin: Where are those rings and how can we identify them?

Brandr: Wait! I should have a painting of those rings........

Brandr searches for the painting in the cave.

Brandr: ahhh here it is..... THE DEVIL'S RINGS

Akin: what's with the colored stones?

Brandr: These aren't stones, these are the eyes of dragons.

Akin: Holy fuck! What?

Neit: Do they exist?

Brandr: Yes, they existed a long time ago, but....

Akin: But what?

Brandr: They were the species that could fight toe to toe with the gods. But one day, gods manipulated dragons by making them think they were the most powerful beings, and they got too much pride, and on that day, dragons challenged the Devil himself.

Akin: Then what?

Brandr: The Gods enjoyed the show as the imposior exterminated all dragon species. But 2 of them survived.

Akin: Dumb animals!!!! Can't dragons think that it was those cowards' plan?

Brandr: After finding out that they were played by the gods, both the dragons (Jeghit, The Warrior, and Navientes, The Gifted One) offered their one eye to the imposior in return of their lives, which contains immense power and by which the devil can travel to heaven or hell.

Akin: What about the middle one?

Brandr: This ring was given by his wife so that he could come back to earth. That's why these are called The Devil's Rings.

Imposior : Butcher Of GodsWhere stories live. Discover now