Part 4 : Bond of the Blessed

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Akin : woaahhh !!!!! what the holy fuck is that ?

Horus starts to descend to ground. As he places his foot on ground it starts shaking as very heavy object came on earth.

When he came on ground suddenly his appearance changed he looked like a very young man with a golden shaft in his right hand.

Horus : I am Horus ...  son of OSIRIS.

Horus voice was loud like  roar of a lion . it can be heard miles away .

Akin :  Ohkkkkk .... but what’s that in your hand.

Horus :  i call this ankh.... you can ask anything you want child , because today is the day you die.

Akin : well we will see about that , there is one more thing i would like ask.

Horus : what

Akin : i like your ring ... what’s that.

Horus : ohh this .... it’s nothing , i won this a long time ago from somebody...............enough talking........can we start ?

Akin : indeed we can.

Suddenly horus disappeared from his placed...

Akin got shocked.

Akin : where the fuck..........

Instantly horus appeared behind akin  and whispered in his ear

Horus : did you like this.....Akin.

At once akin turns towards horus tries to kick him on his face. When his feet was just centimetres away from horus, he vanish again.

And emerge far away

Horus : you are so slow ...akin .........or shall i say..........AKIN ASKETILL.

Akin : What !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how..... how can you ?

Horus : i can sense your energy  asketill , my old friend....... You can change your physical appearance but not your soul, it will always remain same.

Neit : What ?

Akin got angry all of asudden rushed towards horus.

Horus : you may be centuries old but you are still a kid.

Horus suddenly open his left eye. It was pure black.

Akin stops his place . he was unable to move.

Akin : what is this ? i can’t move my body.

Horus : ohh does it hurt ? it’s just a party trick , makes you paralyse.

All of a sudden Horus starts running towards akin ........ and Kicks on his chest.

Akin was bounced like a ball and hit the wall of arena . His mouth was full of blood.

Akin : bloody gods... (spits blood )........ well i also have a party trick under my sleeve asshole.

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