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I awoke with an aching back and.. an arm around me?
As my vision cleared I realized I had fallen off the couch in my sleep and onto keaya who's arm was now wrapped around me.

I bolt up this was way to close for a guy who didn't even like me back, but In doing so I woke up keaya.
He awoke groggy his messy hair made my heart flutter.

"Oh albedo?"
He looked over at me confused I could feel my face go red

"I must have fallen off the couch"
I say trying not to make eye contact

"Oh I'm going back to bed"
He said completely unbothered, yawning he fell back onto his pillow.

I awkwardly slid out from the makeshift bed and walk towards my bathroom.
I stare in the mirror so much had happened last night.

I could still feel my heart pounding in my chest from waking up next to keaya.
I wanted more then anything to be sleeping beside him again it felt cold, I could feel tears starting to form the signature lump in the throat as I fought back against them.

There it was again I could feel it, my throat closing up not letting even a breath by.
I could already taste blood as the petals started to dislodge themselves from my throat. I let a raspy cough go and from there I couldn't stop, only hope that keaya was still asleep.
A mix of tears and blood slowly drip down the drain in my sink, delicate red petals scattered around me.
My coughs finally subdued I catch my breath at last.

I say to myself I hated this, I hated myself, why? Why did I have to fall for some guy who won't ever like me back.
I was so obsessed with proving my disease was fictional, that I didn't even realize how bad it had gotten..



Or had badly I loved my best friend




I ran the Tap watching the water wash away the blood and petals that scattered the basin.
I looked up at my tear stained face wiping the blood that ran from my mouth,
This wasn't me I was always composed and here I was crying over a guy.

*knock* *knock*

Keaya asked from the other side of the door

"I'll be out in a minute"
I say rushing to clean up any other petals before opening the door.

I walked out of the bathroom before I knocked into something or someone.

"Oh sorry keaya!"
I say suprised, I was standing so close to him I could practically hear his heart beat

"Hah my bad"
He only laughed as I backed away slightly flustered.

"Hm albedo your hair"
Keaya said looking down at my messy bed head

"What about it?"
I ask, was there something in it? please don't let it be a petal I internally pray.

"It's down I've never seen you with your hair down"
Keaya smiled effortlessly making me go weak on the knees

"Oh yeah I geuss"
I say unsure how to respond

"You look a little off is everything all right?"
Keaya asked concerned

"Yeah, just a little hungover"
I lie, feeling guilty already

"Ha now that's something albedo hung over"
Keaya laughed

"Uhm I'll go make breakfast"
I say trying to escaped before my lies catch up with me

"Alright then"
He says before walking over to bathroom

I sneak away to my small kitchen looking through my fridge,I realize it was practically empty aside from two eggs and some out of date milk.

Deciding spoiled milk wasn't the greatest breakfast, I crack the two eggs onto a pan watching them sizzle away...

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