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The sun streams through the curtains of my bedroom, causing me to shove my head back under my pillow.

I hear a low chuckle next to me and see a certain spider with messy hair and tired eyes.

"Morning Nessie." He says in his husky morning voice.

I fell. Literally.

"Uh shut up will ya its too early!" I say whilst hugging him and giggling.

I am not a morning person but for him I'd happily do anything he wants even if it means having to wake up at 10 am.

He hugs me back tight and then lets go to turn around and grab something off of the bedside cabinet.

He turns to face me with a bright smile on his face and hands me a rectangle shaped box. He urges me to open it so I do.

Opening the box I see a beautiful necklace in the shape of a gold heart. I melted at the fact that he bought this for me.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walk to my walk in wardrobe. I stand in the mirror with Peter stood behind me.

He gently takes the gift out my fiddley hands and carefully unclasps it. I move the my hair off the back of my neck while he wraps the chain gently around my neck. The heart is cold on my chest but it feels amazing. Ever so carefully he clasps the necklace together and I let my hair fall.

I kiss him on the cheek once more as we hear a crash in the hall way. After the crash we hear somebody curse.

Curious, me and Peter raced to the door and swung the door open to see Clint on the floor.

Chuckling, I grabbed the Hawks arm and hurled him up.

"What happened?" Peter asked while looking utterly confused because here was nothing in the hall to trip over.

"Vented." Was all he replied with.

Looking up we only now just realised the vent was swinging.

"Dickhead." I'm now laughing my ass off since the picture of Clint on his back kept replaying in my head.

"What was you doing in the vents anyway?" Peter asked once he composed himself.

"I see better up high."

"I'm soo telling everybody." I tease.

"Yeah? Do that and I'll tell everyone that you kissed red spandex over here."


"Ok. No need to be so dramatic about it. It was on the cheek! Relax Bird Brain." I chortled while patting him on the shoulder and walked off down the hall towards the kitchen for something to eat.



After Clint's smartass reply I didn't know what to say. I felt my face instantly heat up and hopped from one foot to another.

Ness seems cool about it though as she tells him to relax and then makes her way towards the kitchen.

Once I hear the door close, Clint turns to me and smirks. This does not help the flare of redness in my face.

"Go get the girl kid. Hurt her though and your gonna be 8 feet under!!" He claps a hand on my shoulder and gets back up in the vents.

"Wait!! How do you know she kissed me?!" I called but got no answer.

Instead, I ran to catch up with my crush.

As I walk into the kitchen, everyone is silent and stares at me.

I feel like this has something to do with what I shouted to Clint. A little bit too loudly.

"Okay. I can smell the silent judgement. What happened?"

"YOU!! You happened and kissed my daughter!!"

"How many times do I have to say... IT WAS ON THE DAMN CHEEK!!" The Starks exploded.

"Language." Steve says but gets ignored.

"Why!? What possessed you to do it?" Mr. Stark demands.

Ok ouch that hurt.

"He got me a necklace and helped me put it on so I kissed him. ON THE CHEEK because he's my best friend."

"Ouch Friend zoned." Rhodey mutters.

"SHUT UP!!" Everyone shouts.

Rhodey puts his hands up in defence.

"In my own defence Clint already said if I hurt her I would be buried 8 feet under."

Mr. Stark sighs.

"8 feet? Isn't it suppose to be 6 feet?" Nat asks with a smirk.

"I think it's to make sure he doesn't get out." Bucky grins.

Mr. Stark just ignores them again.

"Just go up to your rooms. You're both grounded."

"WHAT!?" We both yell.

"GO!!" He shouts back.

Me and Nessie trudge up the stairs when Mr. Stark shouts after us.


Ness rolls her eyes and for a minute I was actually scared. She looked so much like her dad.

"Sorry." I apologised.

"Why are you apologising? I kissed you." She asks.

"I got you in trouble."

"Oh well. Do you really think I'm going to listen to him. Out of all the time you've known me, how many times have I actually listened to anything anybody has said?" She asked honestly.

To be fair, she has got a point. We get out side my room and I grin at her.

"So wanna get out of here?" I thought about the consequences and decided that I don't care.

She gave me the famous Stark Smirk and told me to meet her out side her room in 20 minutes. I had no idea how we was gonna get past the adults but I trusted her.


*Another POV switch brought to you by Americas Ass*


20 minutes later we are out side sprinting to get in the clear.

Here's how we got out the compound.

Once I got into my room after telling Peter to meet up, I put on some comfortable clothes that I can run in. I sneaked out my room and climbed into the vents hoping not to bump into Clinton. The fucking Hawk.

I started to make short loud bangs that sounds like its coming from the supply cabinet that has a vent right on the ceiling. My aim is too make Tony go into the room and see what's wrong with it. This gives me and Pete a chance to bolt it to the front door and try and convince everybody else to let us out and not tell Tony.

Well it worked! Tony ran into the room which I locked for good measure and we bolted it to the front door where everyone else was.

"Hey guys we're gonna go out and you're not gonna tell Tony." I tell the other adults whilst backing out of the room towards the door.

They just grin and let us leave with our saying a word. I popped my head back around the door and threw Clint the keys for the supply cabinet.

"Might wanna keep hold of them. Not sure when we are gonna be back. Cya. Love you!!" I shout behind me and grab Peter's hand and race to the clearing.

Authors Note:

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Been very busy. Doing stuff... Anyway how's y'all. I've got a few ideas for the next few chapters but oh well.
Thanks for the comments and vote
Chloe x

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