Chapter 3: Emma (Revised!)

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Chapter 3: Emma

            I woke up an hour before I usually did. I groggily stepped into the shower and turned on the water. The hot water hit my back and I gasped, jumping back. “I’m awake now,” I muttered under my breath.

            I stepped out of the shower, feeling like more of myself and smelling like strawberries. I wrapped my white, fluffy towel around my body and put a light blue towel in my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and went through my closet.

            Finally, I decided upon some navy blue gym shorts and a simple white shirt. I grabbed my white tennis shoes and headed downstairs. Today was the day for girl’s basketball conditioning.

            If I was going to tryout I wanted to be as good as possible; I didn’t want to embarrass myself. I grabbed my hoodie and backpack from the closet and headed out the door.

            The cool morning air wrapped around me and I sighed. This was going to be a long morning.

            “Welcome to basketball conditioning, ladies!” the coach announced.  She wasn’t my PE teacher but she was pretty cool (for a teacher). We did some warm-ups before actually starting the game.

            Unfortunately, about 15 minutes in Emma walked through the door. A group of girls huddled by the door parted like the Red Sea as she entered. Her lips pursed and her blond hair bounced around in her ponytail.

            “Sorry I’m late coach,” she said, walking past me and shooting me a glare.

            “It’s fine, Emma. Just get to it.”

            At one point we were practicing lay-ups when I tried to make a shot. Emma yelled out, “Air ball!”

            Her group snickered, but they immediately shut up when the basketball went through the hoop. I spun around and put a cocky smile on (it sounds mean but was so worth it) then walked away. Emma was glaring daggers at me and her posse was in shock. Because that’s just how I roll.

            At last, the long basketball conditioning was over. “We all hope to see you all at the next conditioning and at the tryouts for the team!” couch called.

            I was still getting my stuff together when coach asked, “Hey Natalie, can I talk to you for a second?”

            “Yeah,” I said, grabbing my backpack and heading over to coach.

                        “You’ve got a lot of skill. You really do work magic out on that court. Are you planning for trying out for the team?”

            “Um… I don’t know yet,” I admitted.

            “Well consider it.”

            I only nodded and dragged myself to homeroom. In all honesty, my muscles ached. If I actually did try out, I knew that I needed to get in better shape. I was far from overweight, but my body wasn’t used to pushing itself to the limits.

            When PE came around, I waited patiently for Cody. He hadn’t showed up so I figured he was talking to a teacher or something.

            On my way to the gym, I spotted Cody. He was in a group with some other boys on the team. They were laughing, talking, and patting each other on the back. I saw Charmaine’s brother, giving out high fives. Cody nodded in my direction and said, “Oh, hey Natalie.”

            Oh, hey Natalie?! I think, my thoughts clouded with confusion.He was acting as if we were just casual acquaintances. Last I checked we had been best friends since, well, FOREVER. I just sighed and figured he was trying to get close to his team mates.

            At last, lunch came around. I gripped my lunch box and headed towards the cafeteria. Right before turning a corner I heard a familiar voice.

            “Yeah, I love basketball.” It was Cody! Then, a girl spoke.

                        “That’s so cool.” Her voice was so flirtatious and I felt a pang of jealousy.

            “Yeah. So, babe, do you want to come to the basketball game tonight?” Cody asked. Babe? I suddenly felt sick.

            “I’d love to, hon. But we need to talk about your tool of a friend, Natalie.”

            Tool? I frowned. I listened closely, expecting Cody to stand up for me. Instead, he asked, “Oh, what is she doing?”

            “She’s just, like, such a reject,” the girl said. They both laughed. Tears stung at my eyes. I didn’t care about who the girl was or what she was saying about me. I was upset that Cody was supporting it!

            “Yeah, she’s-” Cody started but I cut him off, emerging from the corner.

            “Right here,” I finished for him.

            The girl was Emma. I couldn’t believe that he was actually dating the girl who had been harassing me since the first day of school. She had dared call me a tool and Cody didn’t even try to stop her!

            “Um, Nat,” Cody said nervously, almost apologetically.

                        “I don’t want to hear it!” I snapped and stormed away.

            Emma had a stupid smug look on her face. I roamed the halls, not really knowing where I was going. Finally, I went to the girl’s bathroom on the opposite side of the cafeteria. It wasn’t ideal but I didn’t want to get caught by the hall monitors.

            I stood against the wall wondering what the heck had gotten to Cody. He was changing with this new popularity thing. I was already sick of it and this was the first day I had caught him in the act.   

            My stomach felt sick when I thought of all the things he could be saying or doing behind my back. How long had he been going out with Emma? I sighed and shook my head. So much for best friends forever, right?

A/N sorry this chapter is so short but this is the revised chapter 3!! I finally posted it! :D

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