Chapter 10: Remember Who You Are (Revised!)

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I had to wait another month until I could get new contacts, which meant I had to wait until school was over before I got them. I told my mom not to worry about it, that glasses were fine because sports were nearly over. Contacts were such hassle anyway.

Fawn seemed shocked when I wore glasses the next day she saw me.

“Sweetie… Why didn’t you burn those?” she asked.

“I lost my contacts, can’t get new ones yet,” I said simply.

“Are you even wearing mascara?” she asked suddenly. I swear, this girl had eyes like a freaking hawk.

After crying in the stall, I had resolved to no longer wearing makeup because mascara and tears were too much of a mess. “Nope,” I popped the ‘p’.

“You kind of have an attitude, Nat,” Fawn said, raising her eyebrows as if expecting me to apologize.


“Oh my God, Nat! What gives?”

“Eric broke up with me,” I said. That wasn’t even close to as why I was upset. I was upset because Cody was right. I was upset I didn’t have him.

“Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry,” Fawn said, but I could hear the artificial tone.

I just smiled and went to class, pretending everything was okay.

In PE Cody shot me a knowing look, and I was humiliated to think he was right. He was actually trying to help me, but I shot him down. I felt like such an awful person, and who wouldn’t?

I had let down everyone. I was a nobody pretending to be someone. I was a fraud, a fake, and a back stabber. Who cared anymore? Popularity sucked. I wanted to be a nerd again. Oh, the irony.

The last week of school came, and I mainly had spent up until then in a depression only Hamlet himself would relate to. I was lonely despite people saying they adored me. Fawn gave me judgmental stares every time she saw me in glasses, and I felt so exposed to her. This wasn’t what friendship was supposed to be.

After school, I emptied out my locker, remembering all the highlights of my year that were in this very room. I sighed.

Emma seemed to have the same idea, because as I was halfway through she walked in. “I’ll just come back,” she said rudely, but I deserved it.

“No it’s fine.”

She looked unsure, but then made her way to her locker. Suddenly, I wanted to be the bigger person. I wanted to be nice. I wanted to change the life I had managed to exile myself into.

“I’m sorry,” I said, flat out.

Emma turned around, her eyes wide in surprise.

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