PART ELEVEN: I Don't Like Sports, it Just Likes Me

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You would think a club that is low on members would try and get as many as possible, as soon as possible.

I think this as I make my way to the library.

I've always had a soft spot for books, and just paper in general really. From reading to collage, origami, paper-mâché. You name it! Hell, I even bawled my eyes out the first time I read The Book Thief, specifically the part where they had a bonfire out of all the existing books in the area. I feel depressed thinking about it.

But right now, I'm starting to think a paper bonfire might be a brilliant idea...

At the beginning of the dedicated club's period, I went to the Staffroom to ask Takeda Senpai about my application.


"I'm sorry Miss (L/N), it appears they are still evaluating your request to join the club. Sorry, you made the trip here for nothing." He apologizes profusely.

Dude, this isn't even your fault.

I tell him not to worry about it. "So, what else am I allowed to do during this period then?" I ask, I might as well do something productive.

He thinks for a moment, then turns to his desk and flicks through papers. It baffles me how he can navigate in such a chaotic workspace. "Ah-ha!" he cheers victorious, readjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "You can do this."

He hands me a stack of paper.

... What is 'this' exactly?

I realize it's not just a stack, It's as thick as my textbooks.

I look back to the teacher for an explanation as I open the bunch of paper so thick that it would put the dictionary to shame. I am soon faced with the mountain of horror inside.

"I put it together especially for you, this is to help you keep up in class. I took note of how you learn and tried to explain the formulas in a way you will understand... I hope you don't mind me doing this." He explains proudly.

I feel my blood run cold as I force a strained smile. "You shouldn't have."

He flaps his hands around with a blush. He is VERY proud of himself. "Oh, it's my pleasure! I'm just glad I can help you."

No... you really shouldn't have.

I groan internally as I thank him before excusing myself. I went in with the expectancy to leave with a club. Instead, I get to leave with a stack of homework so heavy you could do bench presses with it.

Lucky me.


As I near the library, I can see the odd few classes busy with groups of students, evidently in their assigned clubs.

At least yours didn't take their sweet ass time approving you. Stupid people in their stupid clubs...

Looking down I watch my feet trudge onward; I can see myself in the floors being freshly cleaned. My hair has managed to work its way from its conformity early this morning, to now give me cowlicks, my hair sticking up persisting to defy gravity.

I look like a bloody porcupine!

I grumble and attempt to fix my hair adding to the string of frustrating events. I mutter under my breath, having a 'woe-is-me' moment, as I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see a girl with shortly cut black hair. And on either side of her head were small chunks of hair tied up in little white ribbons. She kind of looks like a rabbit. "E-excuse me, I'm sorry to bother you... but are you Mckenzie's sister by any chance?"

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