PART TWO: New Beginnings are as Short as my Uniform

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For what seemed like the millionth time this morning, I tugged nervously at my concerningly short skirt.

'why the hell are they even this short? Surely this violates some kind of school policy on inappropriate uniform wear?' I continue to pull down, as if hoping it will magickly get longer and resolve my discomfort.

Surprise, surprise. It didn't.

I heard a snicker from one of my younger siblings beside me. I look up to glare at my little brother (I say little, although he is taller than me), his signature smug grin plastered across his face.

My brother, Pacey, has fluffy cotton candy pink hair, and deep gem blue eyes with generously long dark lashes, which most girls would die for. He is also relatively tall, just a bit more then average for his age. But despite all that. He has a superpower. The power of a fast metabolism. I swear, he eats about seven meals a day, mostly consisting of double decker loaded sandwiches... and NEVER puts on any weight. Its honestly not fair.

I extended my arm and Karate chopped Pacey in the gut. I cackled like a banshee as he toppled over cradling his stomach from the sudden surprise attack.

My little sister, McKenzie, joined in shortly after seeing her older brother's pain.

"You got him good! You (Y/N) 'chopped him". We (not including Pacey) continued to laugh. As a not so entertained Pinkette sends us daggers.

"Oi! I was gonna say something nice to you before, because your all nervous. But y'a know what, I hope your skirt gets blown up in front of a bunch of boys.... NO! The principle!" I stare at him wide eyed, and Kenzie shakes her head vigorously. Her deep purple hair shaking and slipping loose from its hair tie.

"No! That would be horrible! Take it back." She attempts to defend me, as its Pacey's turn to share some smugness.

"Nah, imma jinx her, she's gonna get humiliated!" The two continue to bicker back and forth, and I feel a slight headache coming on.

This is going to be a very, VERY, long day.


The school is so big...

I've always been severely directionally challenged. So, I'm currently fearing for my life.

My sister on the other hand, can't control her excitement. Its bubbling over and she's jumping on the spot, itching to explore her new school and classes. What a weirdo. Gotta admire her enthusiasm though.

I roll my eyes as I touch her on the shoulder. She looks to me with those big bright blue eyes, almost at my eye level. I'm also vertically challenged too... Most unfortunate.

"Just go dude. Y'a know y'a wanna. Just meet Pace and I for lunch kay." She gives me a cheesy grin and tries to crush me in a bear hug.

Just going to say. I'm not one for hugs, or intimacy for the matter. And she knows that. She's playing with fire.

I glare at her as she hugs me even tighter, if that's possible. I grumble a 'just go already', as she pokes her tongue at me, "shut up you big baby." And with that she's off. Into the sea of buildings she goes. I watch her turn a corner and disappear, having the constant thought of the likability to never see her again.

Okay, maybe that was a tad dramatic... BUT THIS SCHOOL IS SERIOUSLY MASSIVE?!

Amidst my uneasy brain rant of all the horrible things that could happen in a timeframe of twenty-four hours. I didn't realise my brother had already started to walk off. "OI! Where are y'a going?!" he turns back, only enough to spare me a glance.

"To class. Don't wanna be late on the first day now, do we?" oh my glob, he's right... There was still fifteen minutes till classes started, but I didn't know my way around the school, OR where my classes are.

I'm royally screwed.

I ran through the first entrance I could find, which luckily ended up being the locker bay area. I was so focused on getting to class that I almost forgot to throw my stuff in my locker and change my shoes.

I keep forgetting the new customs here. I need to make sure I don't slip up again, I don't want to make a fool of myself.

I peek at my schedule to see what was first up. 'Home Room?' I didn't know they do that in high school here... oh well. I grabbed a spare notebook for homeroom in case I need to take any notes, and the books for my class after Home Room.

Which will be English.

... Great.


I've been wondering around for about eight minutes now trying to find this bloody class.

More and more kids are rolling in since its nearing the start of school. But that also means staring.

As much as I hate it, I do look different. I'm not from here, you can tell from a mile away I'm a foreigner. This sucks, it's like being a bug under a telescope.

I hope Pacey and Kenzie are having better luck then me with their class hunt.


After a painfully agonising walk under looming and gawking eyes, I get to my destination.

This is it. My first class.

I've read this situation in many books... When the main character changes to a new school. Usually they wait to enter the classroom after the teacher has addressed them, then they introduce themselves, and they take a seat. And because they are new, everyone wants to talk to them; they get heaps of friends and then they eventually get pulled into the wrong crowd, they get kicked to the dirt by their shit friends and they get depressed because they now have no one and are no longer the talk of the school. They get bullied and their life only gets gloomier and gloomier...


Oh, my glob.

What if this happens to me? What if I'm that character?


I start to get fidgety and began tugging at my skirt again. I've also been standing out front the classroom for a while, I'm only causing more attention.

This isn't good.

I try shaking my nervous jitters away and ready myself.

I'm not going to be that stereotypical new student. I'm going to avoid the whole status quo with one simple step.

I'm just going to walk in and take a seat.

No waiting for the teacher. No standing up in front of the class, no un-necessary introductions. I'm just another student.

Its like that cute spider video that went viral. Ill burry my head under the sand, and if I don't see them, then they can't see me. Therefore, invisible.

It's a solid plan.


Or so I thought.

Most Unfortunate - Haikyuu Daichi X Reader 🏐Where stories live. Discover now