PART FIVE: Bitchzilla

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(Y/C): Your Country


Yet again, for some reason, I can't seem to be capable of navigating around this school. I know it's only my first day, but this is ridiculous.

Maybe I do have a minor concussion?

Eventually, I somehow find my next class with five minutes to spare.

Checking and double-checking, probably looking like a paranoid freak. I carefully approach the door not wanting a recap of earlier events. Thankfully this was a sliding door, but you could never be too careful.

My heart is pounding in my chest, this is 'technically' my first class since coming into this school.

Entering the school after the year has started is going to be difficult. Not only will I have to study and keep up with the current course work, but try and jam-pack in what everyone else has learnt and do catch-up assessments to contribute to my end of year results...

I can't count the number of times I've cried rhetorically to the world, 'could it get any worse?!'

Apparently, the universe took it as a challenge.

When I walked into the classroom it was quite empty, maybe everyone hasn't arrived yet? Or it was just a small class. A class of seven people to be exact! Taking advantage of the situation I quickly snagged a desk near the back, hoping to just blend in.

Oh boy, now didn't the universe once again show me 'how much worse' it could truly get.

As soon as I was seated, the other students present began to whisper to one another. Obviously, I wasn't very stealthy. And if that wasn't bad enough, a group of other students came in, loud and obnoxious.

I put my head down and focused on getting my notebook, textbook, and stationery organised for the lesson. I can start to feel a headache coming on with every passing second. Okay, I must have a concussion. But the boisterous click isn't helping.

I was suddenly brought out of my own head, by a perfectly manicured hand slamming on my desk, causing a couple of pencils to fall on the ground.

No! Not the led! My poor babies...

"Hey, I was talking to you new girl! Or is being rude socially acceptable where you're from?" I look up at her from where I'm seated. She's beautiful. Tall, long slim legs and fare skin. Her eyes area deep brown, and she has long black hair that elegantly draped over her shoulder with full bangs. As pretty as she is. She seems like a piece of work.

"Ahhh, you talk'n to me?" I point to myself out of confusion.

She scoffs and laughs with the other girls behind her. "Yeah, I'm talking to you. Are you like stupid as well as rude?" Man, this is so petty, and was the 'like' actually necessary? This girl is already 'like' giving me the shits. I need to be careful, though I should try and filter myself. Being sent to the nurse's office and getting detention on the same day, let alone on my first day doesn't paint a good picture of myself.

I bend down and pick up my pencils and clear my throat. Compose yourself, as much as I want to cuss her out of this century, I shouldn't lower myself to her standards. "Sorry, I didn't realize you were talking to me before. What did you need?" I showed a warm smile. Be calm (Y/N), be calm...

"Ha! So you do have manners. But your accent's like so weird, so not attractive you know." Fucking clearly, you have no manners, AND MY ACCENTS NOT WEIRD?! I'm a tad passionate about my culture! YES, my accent isn't the most elegant, and NO compared to your beauty I probably look like a mauled dogs tennis ball left under the couch. But lady don't mess with short people, we might be small, but we are vicious!

Most Unfortunate - Haikyuu Daichi X Reader 🏐Where stories live. Discover now