Chapter 5 Million Way Skype

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  • Dedicated to To my Bestie FiFi Quotev:@FionaRainbows1D

Sophie's POV:

Bummmmmm-Bummmmmm-Bummmmmmm my FaceTime ringtone went off on my iPad. Seeing it was from Dani, I quickly pressed accept.

"Hey Dan, what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing much. Listen, we got One Direction here on Skype now and they said you guys can come on tour with us and perform!"

"You got to be kidding me! Really?"

"Really, now, call Jessie and ask her to call FiFi on FaceTime so we all can see each other. Show Jessie through FaceTime onto this one, and Jessie will show FiFi on hers that will go to you that will go to me and then you guys can "Skype" the boys too.

"KK! I'm so excited!"

I grabbed my sisters iPad and called Jessie. She picked up on the first ring.

"Hey!" she said.

"Hey back! Okay, FaceTime FiFi right now. I'm on FaceTime with Dani and the girls right now and I'm using my sis's iPad to call you. Get your dad's iPad and call FiFi."

"Wow, lot of orders. JK, kk give me a sec." she responded.

A couple seconds later, I could see FiFI and Jessie's face, Dani could see FiFi, Jessie, and me, and the 1D boys could see all the Cim girls and all the Cali girls. We talked to everyone about the tour and stuff. Apparently, we are leaving next week and we still would have time to do our next video with the Cim girls. We told One Direction about the music video we were shooting tomorrow of the Up All Night/Starships smashup. They were appalled.

Lisa's POV:

After our Skype with One Direction and our FaceTime with the Cali4nia Girls, we got ready for bed. We had been video chatting with everyone for nearly 2 hours and we had to go to bed early so we could film tomorrow. I couldn't sleep though. Harry's face during our video chat keeps entering my mind. I couldn't believe I had just been face to face (on the computer) with Harry Styles, my celebrity crush! I noticed the way Liam looked at Lauren though and the way she looked at him. There definitely was a spark between them. Apparently, Jessie noticed it too because there was a gleam of happiness in her eyes and just a tiny amount of jealousness. Liam was Jessie's celebrity crush and it was also Lauren's celeb crush too. I could tell Jessie wasn't too offended though because she is way young for him. She's 11, I'm 18, and Lauren is 14, but despite our age differences, I think that the three of us are closest. Jessie and I like doing our hair and makeup, but she also has a boyish side to her as well, just like Lauren. She likes to skateboard, just like Lauren, she plays lots of sports, but she dresses between a mix of us two. Sometimes she wears really girly stuff, other times it's just cute and athletic. It's weird though, I learned that Lauren and I along with Christina were her favorites (no offense to the others), but she doesn't dress the way she does because of us, it's just her style. Anyway, the three of us hang out a bunch, and I know that one of her other faves in Cimorelli is Christina but Christina normally hangs out with FiFi with Kath.

Lauren's POV:

Ahhhh! I can't sleep! But, I could tell Lisa couldn't sleep either because she kept moving around. When my sister sleeps, she's as still as a rock! The video chat is still on my mind. I noticed that Liam was looking at me a few times, and Jessie noticed it too because we exchanged a glance. Liam is both our celeb crushes and it would be so amaZAYN haha, if he would date one of us. Jessie knows that if he did, it would be me though. She says I'm pretty, talented, etc and that I'm old enough. She, on the other hand is three years younger than me which makes her 11, but she is equally beautiful in my opinion. Getting out of bed and walking to Lisa's bed, I ask quietly,

"Lisa, can you sleep?'

"No, what about you?" she answers back.

"I can't either. The video chat is on my mind."

"Me too, but we'll talk about it tomorrow. We really should be getting our sleep now, night!" she says.

"Night night!"

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