Chapter 14 Makeovers and Idols

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  • Dedicated to Eleanor Calder and Danielle Peazer

Louis's POV:

"This is really good," Niall said to Kath, Jess, and Soph.

"Nialler, don't you think all food is good?" I said chuckling.

Everyone laughed.

"I wanna meet Danielle Peazer and Eleanor Calder," Jessie said suddenly. I did a spit take. She wanted to meet my best friend that was a girl and Liam's ex?

"You what?" I asked her.

"I said I wanna meet Danielle Pea-" she started.

"I know that, but why?"

"I love them,"

"Since when?"

"Since always,"

"Most Directioners hate on our girlfriends and close friends. Why don't you?"

"Because if you hate on them, you aren't a real Directioner," she said. We all nodded our heads.

"Ok, I'll give El a call after dinner," I said after swallowing some pasta. "But what will Liam think?"

"He should be fine with it," Zayn said. After dinner, I called up Eleanor.

"Hey Eleanor!" I greeted.

"Hey Lou!"

"Can you bring Danielle and come over?"


"Okay, great! Bye El!"

"By Lou"

"They're coming!" I called. There was a chorus of cheers. Oh do I hope this goes well.

FiFi's POV:

OMG Eleanor Calder and Danielle Peazer are coming! Jess absolutely loves them even if Danielle dated Liam. Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Jess screamed. Silly girl.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Jessie screamed when she opened the door. "It's El and Danielle!"

"Don't get your pants in a twist girlie," I said rolling my eyes.

"Don't let Niall get into yours," she responded back. Everyone including Eleanor and Danielle heard her comeback and laughed.

a/n/ becuz Danielle is also Dani and Dani Cimorelli's full name is Danielle, Danielle Peazer will be Danielle and Dani Cimorelli will be Dani.

"I see we have a fan," Danielle said laughing.

"Indeed you do. This crazy one made me call you to get you to come." Louis said obviously ah-annoyed.

"Lou, care for an intro?" Eleanor asked.

"Sorry. This is Jessie, Sophie, and FiFi of Cali4nia Girls and this is Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, and Dani of Cimorelli." Louis said pointing to each of us.

"I love Cimorelli! Don't they have six members though? There are only five right now," Eleanor said.

"Well uh...."Harry said looking at Niall not wondering how Danielle would act when she learns Liam went on a date with Lauren. He decided to tell them anyway. "Lauren's on a date."

"Oh really? With who? And where's Liam?" Danielle asked.

"Uh....sorry Danielle, but Liam's on a date too....with Lauren." Harry stated.

Danielle laughed," Don't worry, I won't go and kill Lauren. Now, this little fan of ours, we're going to have a talk with her. Me and El, Ok?" Jessie left with them looking worried and happy at the same time.

Danielle's POV:

Once El, Jessie, and I got to Jessie's room, we went in.

"So, Jess, tell me about yourself," I said.

"Um, ok. Well, I'm best friends with Cimorelli and the other 2/3 of Cali4nia Girls, I ah-dore Danielle Perfect Peazer and Excellent Eleanor Calder, I'm a Directioner, my favorite color is light blue, I'm thirteen years old, I can cook, sew, bake, play basketball, volleyball, ski, swim, sing, but I can't dance. And BTW, I absolutely love what you both are wearing right now."



"Thanks," El replied. "How about we have a little girl's night? Just all the girls and we'll kick out the guys?"



"Yay!" So we left the room and went back to the living room. Lisa and Harry were making out, FiFi was sitting on Niall's lap and showing him stuff on her phone, Sophie, Amy, and Dani were playing cards, and Zayn and Katherine were talking to Louis and Christina.

"Alright, all guys out! NOW!" El screamed. The guys gave each other looks and then grabbed jackets and left.

"We're gonna go to Niall's place," Harry said. I nodded and shooed them out.

"Now, girlies, makeover time!" I called.

"Okay, let's pair up and give our partner a makeover," El said.

"But we don't have any makeup or hair things and clothes and stuff," FiFi pointed out.

"Yes we do," Lisa answered. She ran out of the room and then returned with multiple hair straighteners, curling irons, hair brushes, and a ton of makeup.

"Thanks Lisa. Everyone, go and grab the most stylish clothes that you brought," I said and we all hurried off except El and I because we always keep extra really cute clothes in our handbags. When everyone came back, I said, "Alright, here are the pairs. El and Sophie, Christina and Dani, Amy and FiFi, Lisa and Katherine, and Jessie and me."

We all set to work. I did Jess first. I curled her hair and did her makeup. Her eyelids were lined with black eyeliner and blue eyeshadow, and her lids had a goldish brown. I grabbed this out of her stash of clothes so when I was done she looked like this:

Then she did me. She straightened my hair, lined my eyes with brown liner, my lids had gold eyeshadow with a hint of sparkle, I had a natural but rosy blush, and light pink glossed lips. Jess made me look awesome and I ended up like this:

"We look awesome!" I said.

Christina ended up looking like this:

Katherine like this:

Lisa like this:

Amy like this:

FiFi like this:

Dani like this:

Sophie like this:

El like this:

"We do look good," Christina admitted.

"Now, let's wow! The guys, shall we?" Eleanor asked.

"Let's do it!" Dani said. Katherine called Zayn and told him to tell the boys that they could come back.

"Jesus" Harry cursed. But then all the girls except El and I said,

"Loves you." Everyone looked confused.

"We're all Catholic," Lisa explained. Ohhhhhh, that explained it.

a/n: next chapter is Lauren and Liam's date!!!!!

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