Chapter Five

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Fifth chapter!!! I hope you guys are as excited as me! I know its my seventh, maybe eighth thing to write, but I'm really diggin' this story, so



Chapter Five:

Ethan's POV

Jack walks back to the lunch table with a silly smile plastered across his features. "What are you so happy about?" I ask, putting down my sandwich to talk clearly.

"Oh, nothing important," he says happily.

I roll my eyes and rip a piece off of my sandwich, and I gobble it up. "You're a pig, you that?" Tyler asks.

I stuff the rest of my sandwich in my mouth and make a pig noise. "Who's mommy's little piggy?" I ask in a feminine voice, my mouth still filled with bread and peanut butter.

"Dude! Close your mouth! I can see everything, and I think I'm gonna throw up!" he says, throwing an orange at me, that lands happily on my chest.

I chew it up, then swallow. "You're such a girl, you know that, Ty?" I ask, flicking my wrist like a gay guy would.

"Am not! Watch where you throw your words, Prior. Just remember that I can still kick your ass."

"That was one time. Plus, we were only twelve. I can take you, I can beat you."

He rolls his eyes, then throws another orange in my direction. I block it with my hand, then throw a piece of sandwich at him. "Fuck you. Now stop it," I say in mock stern tone.

I stand up and take care of my tray. I wonder where Haley is right now. Yesterday, she came up behind me and at least sat at the table for two minutes.

I whip my head back and forth, looking for any sign of her, but I can't see her. So I head out of the cafeteria and rome the halls. The first locker I see has the word 'cunt' written on it in big, red letters. Haley's locker.


I run through the halls once again, looking for Haley. Lunch is almost over, and I don't want to miss class, but I can't just leave Haley wherever she may be. "Haley!" I shout-whisper.

There's nothing. But I hear light sobs coming from the bathroom. I walk over to the door of the girl's bathroom, and let myself in. I'm doing this for her, I tell myself.

"Haley?" I ask. The sobs are gone now. Maybe she's in here. "Haley?" I ask again.

I hear shuffling feet, before I see Haley walking toward me. Her face doesn't look red anymore, but her eyes are puffy and red... from crying. "Are you alright?" I ask, rushing over to her.

She looks up into my eyes and wipes her existent tears. "Go away, Ethan. I don't want to see you," she says coldly, but calmly.

"What? You're hurt, though. I can't just-"

"I know. But you need to stay away from me. I'm just trouble. Now get out of here."

I can't believe how cold her face is. She has on an expressionless face, which hurts me to see. Why does she always give me that look? Like she doesn't care about anything at all in the world. "Fine. But one thing. If I ever see that you need a ride, I'm not going to let you walk."

She looks taken aback, but replaces it again with her ice cool, emotionless expression. I whirl around on my heel, and leave her in the bathroom.

Haley's POV

I watch as the door closes behind Ethan. I turn around and lock gazes with Carly, who looks happy. "Look, thank you for the cleanup, but I think I'll just be going," I say nicely.

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